Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Snuff Phone Sex That Is Heart Stopping

hot phonesex karma5My Gods love sweet innocent sacrifices. She was so kind. She offered to take me home and feed me a nice hot meal. She offered me a hot shower and the use of her clothes. She even offered to let me spend the night.
As soon as I entered her home, all cozy and cheerful and well kept, my cunt came alive. She is perfect and the Gods are going to reward me well for this sacrifice. I took some powdered herbs out of my bag and slipped them in her drink as she bustled around the kitchen preparing our meal. My cunt got wetter with each sip she took as we chatted and she cooked. Soon she would be falling asleep.
I watched as she neared the end of dinner as her eyelids got heavier. No sooner had she set our meals on the table and sat down was her face in her plate. I turned her head so she wouldn’t suffocate in her food and began to ransack her house.
I helped my self to whatever I wanted, filling bags to take with us. Then I sat down and enjoyed the dinner that she so kindly prepared for me with an evil smile on my face. Of course I had to save room for dessert which would come latter.
Once I was done I gathered up all the things I wanted and loaded them in her car along with her limp body. I made sure she was positioned in the front seat with her skirt hiked up high and her pussy showing. I rubbed my cunt all the way into the woods as far as I could drive. I unloaded my stash and finally carried her body to my camp.
I tied her up and bustled around putting away all my new goodies waiting for her to come to. When I saw her eyes start to twitch and knew it was almost time I let out a load of cum like I haven’t in a long, long time.
I waited till she was coherent and then told her how grateful I was for all she had given me. And for her kind heart. She had no idea what I was talking about but she would soon.
I said a prayer to the Gods asking them to send me good fortune and smile upon my sacrifice. Then I raised my knife into the air and came down between her breast bone, ripping deep into her flesh and gutting her like a deer. I quickly ripped her breast bone open and reached in to rip her beating heart from her chest.
While it was warm and beating and dripping fresh blood I took it on my mouth and began to devour it, taking in her life force.
The rest of her was placed on my alter and she was burned the smoke and ash rising to the heavens and received by the Gods.
I slept well because I knew I had pleased them.

I’ll Make Her Disappear

natasha sexy in black1If this cunt thinks for one second that I’m going to let her continue to live and be a constant inconvenience in my life, she is sadly mistaken.

After so many years of wasting your life with that dried up, old, ugly, fat-ass of a wife, it’s time to cut the fat, so to speak and completely enjoy ourselves and be together.

I have it all planned out too. I use the spare key to your house and while you’re innocently working I’ll make sure today that useless cunt will breathe her last.

Let’s face it, I’m doing not only us but the world a favor killing this bat faced bitch. I almost had to laugh when she saw me standing there in the living room completely nude…… well I’m not going to stain my clothes with this cow’s blood am I? This fucking moron still doesn’t get it; babbling about who was I and how I got in the house. Finally, she notices the long shiny blade in my hand and with that I jumped on her like a tiger and just began stabbing her flabby, pasty carcass. Pissed me off that I had to stab so deep to get through the layers of fat to actually kill this piece of shit.

My favorite part was when I was beating and punching her face to a bloody pulp, I was telling her all about how long we’ve been fucking each other and that you knew all about what was going on and set the whole thing up! Oh my goodness, watching the look of agony, betrayal, fright and helplessness wash over her ugly ass face was priceless.

And finally, straddling her massive frame, I hold the blade up over my head in both hands and tell her as I thrust the knife deep into your barely beating heart that after this that me and you are going to celebrate and fuck and fuck and fuck. Mmm, bye bye you fucking pathetic cow, that was a pleasure…….

Who’s the freak now.

torture phone sexI went to the park today to meet up with some friends.. When I walked by this ass hole called out freak and all his friends started laughing. He must have thought he was being funny cuase he followed me making little snide remakes about my ink and my clothes. Finally I had enough. I started walking back toward my car… and he follow. I acted hurt and afraid.. cause I knew he couldn’t pass that up. His friends all hung back in the park but he couldn’t let it go. I walked around the back of my car and popped the trunk. I waited for him to get close and and started crying. Just enough for him to move in for the kill.. lol He was so occupied with bullying me he didn’t realize he was out of sight from his friends. Or that no one was around. When he walked around the corner of the car he wasn’t expecting me to crack him over the head with a tire Iron. I was barely able to push in the the trunk of the car. I drove him deeper into the park. I found a very small old road and drove down it till we were in the middle of nowhere. Then I popped the trunk. He was awake but still loopy. Stumbling to get out of the trunk.. LOL I waited for him to regain so of his balance then I took the tire iron and hit him as hard as I could in his nut sack! Of course he fell to the ground screaming. Covering his dick with his hands. And I started to kick him over and over again in his nuts. This just wasn’t making me feel better. So I went to my trunk and pulled out some rope. I tied the tope to his hands and to a tree. Then tied his feet spread eagle to another tree. He was begging me to let him go. I pulled out my knife and cut his pants and underwear off. His dick was purple and black. He kept saying sorry over and over..but it was to late now. I took my knife a cut slits all the way down his dick. And then started kicking him again Over and over. His dick will recover. lol.. Now I guess we know who the freak is. He will never be able to piss right again. Fucking fag!

Mutiliation Phone Sex


Is causing something not to have life any more really demented and evil? Is death really all that bad like people make it seem? Just look at how peaceful someone is once they take their last breath. There is no evilness,sadness, or even happiness in their face any more. They are just there a lifeless soul with no feelings, or thoughts towards nothing or no one.

Every one seems to think that when you have blood dripping down your wrist after slicing it up with a sharp razor blade, they should rush you to the hospital. But, why just look at someone when they are bleeding out in front of you the emptiness in their eyes tells you their are no longer mad, or sad about whatever just made them want to cut themselves. Now, they are just lost in the moment waiting to see what is on the other side.

Are we the ones to truly stop them from just letting go of all the feelings. Being a cutter is something we want to do not something that someone made us do.

Sometimes taking the last breath from something is not always evil,sometimes just cutting gives you a pleasure no one will ever understand. Evil Grin

Taboo Phone Sex

Taboo Phone SexWhat is Taboo Phone Sex?  Do you even have a clue?  Here’s the difference between vanilla and hard core.  If you think a fuckin pinky up your ass is Taboo…. Yeah you’re vanilla cupcake.  Now if you like your pussy with a side of blood, gore and hardcore violence, then you are the sick fuck who understands what Taboo Phone Sex is all about!  Hardcore all the way!

One of my favorite pervs Corey and I love to get as taboo as possible on our sick and twisted journeys.  I had all the pretty little brats naked and waiting.  The fools thought we were playing a game.  I made them choose who to “Vote out of the circle”.  It was all giggles and smiles until the first unfortunate victim was pulled from the group and violently assaulted in front of their wide little eyes.  My blade found her throat and sliced her open like a fucking pig drenching his cock in her sticky warmth.

This continued on and on with the shrieks and screams getting louder.  But I do say I always make an entrance and an exit worth remembering.  The entrance was carved into one sweet lil petites belly and presented to Corey to fuck her “stiff” lol.  He made her splatter all over the place!  The exit was me slicing the scalp off our last little victim and using that hunk of moist chunky flesh to coax his p-cock to squirt all his hot sticky load.  We make such beautiful messes together don’t we babe? 

Heads Up

hot phonesex angie1“Angie baby, as soon as I heard the “POP” I started cumming like a mad man!” Music to my ears!
Trust and believe that my cunt was squirting at the same sound and when I looked down at my handy work, I had a full fledged orgasm!
This little bitch thought it would be fun to have a threesome with my friend and I. It was great for us! We had so much fun gagging her with his huge cock. Watching her eyes bulge as she gasped for air. Beating her ass was a hoot. The feel of her flesh giving way under my blows and watching as the blood squirted out of her wounds as I inflicted them. Ahh and the piece de resistance, hearing her cry and beg as we fist fucked her ass and pussy shoving our arms so far in her we could hear her flesh rip and the blood began to flow. She brought us so much pleasure as we caused so much pain that she lost consciousness.
The wide eyed look of fear when she came to after I put the smelling salt under her nose was priceless!
We fucked her up long into the night. Just as the sun was rising I went and got my sledge hammer. I held it high over my head and took a mighty swing. When it hit her skull it made the sweetest “POP” noise. As I looked upon her mangled and disfigured face with blood and brain matter flowing from her skull I came so hard I could barely stand.
Now for a good days sleep. I believe I am craving more….angies

The Devil Inside

Sadistic Bitch BraydenI’m back bitches!   I know you sick perverted fucks missed me as much as I missed getting bloody with you.  Well pull up some inappropriate content and let me put your cock at ease. 

You’ll know the moment you call.  I’m the one you’ve been looking for.  I’ve been working behind the scenes helping to get a truly fucked up site ready for you.  A one stop shop for all my P-cock, murderous, sick fucks to find some truly filthy shit to get away with.  If you’ve been missing truly imaginative and unforgiving creatures to do No Limits Accomplice Phone Sex calls with then babe I got the hook up for you!  We got this shit on lock down.  Every one of the girls here at Snuff Phone Sex are devious cunt whores looking for a man that knows exactly how to appreciate sadistic beauty. 

If you’re a filthy motherfucker be prepared to get your 5 finger knuckle juggle on with some truly devious shit.  As for those of you I already know, it’s time to have a reunion with one of our favorite little victims.  Those precious little hearts won’t beat in fear by themselves!  Your Sadistic Bitch Brayden is ready to play.