Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

Blood Red Night

torture phonesex karmaTonight is the night for fucking carnage and chaos. The sky and the moon are blood red, reflecting the blood flowing all around me here in the woods. They didn’t want to sacrifice their lives, they didn’t want to be my victims, but they had no choice. They were just what I fucking wanted, they were just what I fucking needed this eerie night cloaked in red. The mother, with her swollen fucking belly, begging for the life of the little one. The father trying to stay strong and be brave in front of his wife and son, but not doing a very good job at it. And the little boy, shaking and crying begging his parents to help him, knowing they could not. They lived together, they loved together and they fucking died together. In horrible agony, feeling every inch of life slip away,watching one another endure my wrath, bring me great pleasure. As I stand over their corpses, dipping my hands in their still warm bodies and covering my naked body in the warmth of their blood, I feel my energy soar! It won’t be long before I open her up and remove the only one that didn’t feel pain or fear, he or she will be my dinner tonight. What a glorious gift they gave with out even fucking knowing it!

Underground Blood Bath Rave

Pandora 6This Friday night I was invited to go to a special but private event. It is an invitation only type of place where the general public would not even know exists in a discreet location. There are two types of guests that get to be invited to this underground gathering. There is the predator and the prey type of guests. However, only the predator guests know about what this rave event is all about. It is called the Blood Bath Rave because it is suggested that you wear red clothes to this rave if you were the prey but there is something extra for the predator guests. I got the invitation as a predator guest and I was really looking forward to wearing something very special for this occasion. 

When I arrived, I quickly hit the dance floor and grabbed a guy that was dressed in red. I was grinding my sexy ass up against his crotch while I placed his hands on my big tits. I could feel his cock throb against my ass as we danced with each other. I could feel my cunt get wet in anticipation to what was to happen in any moment. The music was loud and I felt the vibration all throughout my body and that gave me chills of desire. 

Later into the night, I was still dancing with that fool when suddenly the fire ceiling sprinklers came on full blast. However, instead of water squirting all over the place, it was blood. Now the fun has begun…

The crowd went crazy as we all were shower with warm metallic blood. It tasted so good on my lips that I wanted more than that to quench my hungering, lustful thirst. So I turned around and smiled at the loser to show him my specialized capped extensions to my teeth. They are sharpened to a fag like point. He screamed as I lunged at his throat and bit in deep on him. That was the beginning of the predator feeding frenzy.

By the end of the night, all of the guest prey we gone from the event and the rest of us were completely satisfied of our driven thirsting desires. Now to wait for the next underground blood bath rave to commence …

Blood party

Squashed Like a Bug


You know what happens when a pathetic, waste of breath tries to waste my time? I like to watch them squirm, like worthless vermin beneath my shoe, while I laugh at their pleas for freedom. They try to wiggle free and escape from the pain that I bring, but to absolutely no prevail. It just makes my cunt too juicy wet to let them go free without some mutilating torture. Take for example, this pathetic little soul that I met awhile back. He claimed to worship the Dark Lord and that he wanted my help to find the perfect, innocent sacrifice to please his Lord. I could see right through that bullshit. He didn’t worship anybody, but me. No, in reality, he was just an eyeliner-wearing faggot that was trying way too hard to impress my twisted mind. I played along at first, picking out the prettiest virgins for us to ravage together and eventually drain the life from. He was fucking scared. He didn’t want to go through with it, so he just kept telling me that it wasn’t the right one yet. Give me a fucking break, you fucking loser! So, one day I just called him up and told him, in my most seductive voice, that my pussy was slippery wet and craving and nice hard fucking. Haha, the piece of shit showed up to my door in five minutes flat. I led him into a dimly lit room in the back of the house and the moment that the door slammed shut behind us, I brought my foot up and kicked his ass to the floor. His face smashed into the the floor and I stripped him down, tying up his legs and arms while he gargtieddickeditled helplessly in a pool of his blood. Then, I put on my prettiest high heels and stood above his face so that he could see my cunt dripping with the anticipation of his impending doom. I pressed one foot down on his neck and pushed my heel so that it just barely broke the skin. Blood gushed everywhere while I bent forward and used the handle of  one my favorite knives to tear into his asshole. That faggot probably loved it, his little cock was growing harder and harder as I rammed the handle in, ripping his asshole open.I wrapped some rope around his pathetic cock and pulled it tighter and tighter until his balls looked like they were ready to pop and he was screaming, begging me to stop. Haha, my worthless little bug had my cunt gushing and I couldn’t stop my body from convulsing while I orgasmed over and over watching him squirm. 

Castration Phone Sex

torture phonesex angieI walk in the room and you dare not lift your head. My body reacts to the sight of you shackled to the wall. I watch as your dick gets harder the closer I get to you. I love that the fear makes your cock stand up for me. I have great fucking plans for that cock of yours! I get close enough and I grab that dick hard pulling it hard, enjoying it as you cry out in pain. I lean in and whisper in your ear, “This is just the beginning” I stretch your cock and tie it to a wench. I pull the leaver on the wench and with every pull it stretches that cock further and further. You are arching your back, on your tip toes, trying desperately to ease the pain and I continue to crank that handle, rubbing my fucking swollen clit, this is so fucking hot! I am waiting for you to scream out in pain, I know it is cumming! I stop just long enough to rub my wet cunt on your leg and lick your ear. “This is going to hurt like hell, and I am loving every minute of it. Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated. I am ready to cum now.” I return to the wench and begin cranking again, you can’t stretch any more, soon your cock will rip off and I will cum as you scream and bleed for me. Slow, castration is such a fucking turn on.

Special Shoes

torture phonesex karmaI watch her through the shoe store window she has been there for two hours now, trying on shoes. She must really love shoes! I hope she is still here when I get back, I am going to make her some special shoes and then have some real fun with this prissy little bitch.
I can’t stop cumming as I prepare these special shoes. This is going to be so much fucking fun! My pussy is so fucking wet as I walk back to the shoe store with her special shoes in my bag. I look in and I will be damned she is still in there trying on fucking shoes!
I know waiting for her out here is just going to give me time to think of all the things I will do with her.
Finally she leaves the store and I follow her until I have the chance to grab her ass. She has several bags of shoes she bought and I don’t want to loose any of them.
I grab the bitch and drag her ass back to my truck where I tell her I have a special present for her.
The bitch is fucking crying and scared I love this part!
When we get to the spot where I leave my truck I pull her out and hand her the special shoes as I take her bags. She is going to walk all the way to camp in them and I can’t wait to see the fucking bloody ass mess her feet are going to be when we finally reach my place!
I make her put them on and watch as she screams in pain while she is trying to walk, half way there she can’t stand any more and is crawling as I kick her to keep her moving.
We finally reach our destination and I pour some gas in a bucket and make her put her mutilated feet in it. The screams are fucking incredibly hot!
Now she will model all these fucking shoes she bought for me before I cut her feet off at the ankles and cauterize them so she lives for a while before I fucking take her pitiful life!

Daddy’s Missing Friends


Daddy’s friends from his office keep going missing there are a total of five missing right now. They said they were all tied up to the bed with a collar on their necks. The room lingered of cigar smoke in all the victims rooms. They are saying the suspect is on top of them in a sexual position as she stabs them over and over again with what seems to be a average kitchen steak knife. Then the suspect leaves after placing a lit cigar in the mouths. One of the victims rooms were burnt up by the fire caused by a cigar. Daddy said the detectives are saying the suspect is more than likely a woman that is sadistic and is angry at men for some reason. They told him that every victim’s family said something is missing from them the first one had a ring,second one had a shirt, and third one had his family’s pictures from his wallet they are still trying to see what is missing from the rest. After Daddy was finished talking to the detectives. I told Daddy I was going out for a bit he said to be home by curfew. I was gone for a few hours. Returning home that night Daddy noticed I had a maroon scarf around my neck, and I lingered of cigar smoke. I told him that my friends got it for me and that their parents smoke. The next morning Daddy had yet another friend stabbed and this time he was missing a maroon scarf and the room lingered of cigar smoke.

Burned At The Stake

One of my neighbors came over today he’s a real piece of work. He knows some of the things that I have done,maybe more than he should. He begs me to punish him. I took him out to a secluded area where I make him get on his knees. I grab a branch and start beating him all over his body till he was a bloody mess. I placed his worthless body on the stake. I took the small bottle of gasoline out of my bag and a lighter. I poured it on to his legs and lite him on fire. As he was slowly burning I took my knife and stabbed him over and over again. I then took the knife and grabbed him by the fucking hair and cut his throat. Blood squirted all over me . I stepped back to watch him burn into nothing but charred remains. he shouldn’t of asked to be punished by a fallen angel.

Evil Teddy Knife Fight

Knife Play Phone SexThe sound of crying usually makes my cunt drip, but that’s just because usually I’m the one causing the crying. However, when a stupid little bitch starts screaming and crying for no reason it pisses me the fuck off. A friend of mine begged me to cover a babysitting job for her (she still owes me a favor for that). Anyway, I agreed because she said she hated the little brat anyway and really didn’t care if I fucked with her in my own special way. So, the stupid bitch was crying her eyes out because I wouldn’t let her have a snack. She was squeezing her little arms around her teddy bear, whining and saying I was a “meanie”. She soon learned that the word “meanie” doesn’t really do my sadistic little soul justice. I ripped that teddy from her hands and pulled out one of my favorite knives. The blade was long and shiny and it looked so pretty as I ripped into that teddy bear and began pulling out all the stuffing. She watched me, screaming and crying. I made her open up her mouth and stuff all the bear’s insides down into her throat. She was trying to beg me to stop, but the stupid bitch couldn’t speak with all those bear guts in her mouth! Once her mouth was full I took the point of my knife and thrust it up through her chin. The blood began to gush out, soaking all the white teddy bear stuffing. I sliced her all over, making her rub her tiny hands all over her sticky blood and even finger her tiny little bald pussy with her bloody hands. Finally, once I was bored with her, I took my knife and slid it fast across her throat. I laughed out loud  with glee when all the blood spurted from her fucking throat! Looks like I gave that bitch and her teddy bear a reason to cry tonight.


Horror Movie Night

BiancaTonight I did something a little different. Normally, I am the one out doing the hunting and then the torturing. But, tonight I wanted to just stay home and have dinner of course that consisted of a little victim of mine from last week. After that I decided to just relax and watch some horror movies. The first and second one were okay but then I started to watch this movie called Karla it is about a couple that got married and the husband wanted young girls to fuck and the first one he wanted was Karla’s sister they got her drunk and then drugged her and then started making a small porn video with them two while she was passed out before long they realized that she was actually dead. That part got my pussy a little moist so I started rubbing myself thinking about all the innocent blood I have shed. Then, they got to the part where they kidnapped their next victim a young girl in her school parking lot. They took her home and her husband made her suck his cock, and then he wrapped a cord around her neck and began fucking her little ass hole over and over again as his wife just stood there and watched. After he was done having his way with her they took her to the basement where they proceed to cut her into pieces and then placed her into cement buckets. The cutting over her young body made me cum so hard. Just the thought of being there and being able to cut her up made me feel so hot. Makes me want to go out on my own hunt.

Late Night Cravings


It was late into the night when everyone in the house was sleep when I arose having one of my late night cravings. I knew there was no more in the freezer. I dressed and decided to go for a late night stroll. As I was walking along I came across two girls all alone barely being able to walk from being so intoxicated from their college party. I walked over and offered to help them home they were both lost and did not know which way they were going. I told them that if they walked home with me I would give them a ride back to where they live the next town over. As we got to my house they came inside and had a seat on the couch before long they were both passed out cold. I called my friend Liz over to help me carry them one by one to the basement where we placed them in the tub where we shaved and them washed them down. Once they were both cleansed we took them and placed them both in our large baking pans and chopped from delicious veggies and potatoes to bake them with. As we were doing so the slowly started to awake that is when Liz told them they were going to be the main dish, as she stuffed each of their mouths with a apple. We placed them in the over. After just a few hours you could smell the wonderful aroma of two delicious young girls that were going to make the best meal for Liz and I.
