Tag: Bloody Phone Sex

We tried something new

taboo phone sexWe were bored as fuck last night and even tho we had our victims right there on the floor in front of us, we just hated the idea of killing them the same old boring ways. We didn’t want to stab them or strangle them and we had definitely already fucked them so they were just kinda laying on the floor all curled up and crying. Suddenly tho, inspiration struck me! I told my lover that I had a wonderful idea, lets use the new box! We had a special box built, it was just big enough to fit a person sitting cross legged but not big enough to stretch out. Just the right size to make you claustrophobic as fuck, you would really feel it closing in on you. It is escape proof once we put you in there you aren’t going anywhere until you are dead. That was where we dumped those stupid whores, we threw  them both in there and closed the lid. They were screaming and scared of the dark but they really got fucked up when we opened a secret trap door and threw in a bunch of rats snakes and all kinds of creepy crawlies. They about lost their fucking minds then! We let the critters do all the killing we just fucked on the box while those whores cried, it was a great night!


Violent phone sexI woke up tied to a dirty blood stained mattress. There was 16 men standing around the mattress wearing masks with their cocks out. I tried to scream, but that’s when I realized my mouth was duct taped shut. I tried to squirm and get up, but the restraints only cut into my ankles and my wrists, slicing them open and burning as they bled. Seeing me struggle only seemed to get all the men more erect. That’s when you came over to me, with a syringe in your hand, you shot some sort of drug into my vein on the inside of my arm. I immediately felt out of my head and high. I could no longer move, just watch and listen. One by one, each of the strange masked men knelt on the nasty cum and blood covered mattress, where multiple abducted women had been before me, and they force fucked my pussy and asshole. No matter where they fucked me, you instructed them to cum in my cunt so that I would get pregnant. That’s when I heard the long term plan you had for me. Get me knocked up, high, and breed my cunt and make young ones for you and your friends to torture.

Snuff Porn Dreams

I touched my little cunt while thinking about him shredding my whole body with nothing but his hand. I grew up on horror movies because they were like porn for daddy, and my favorite was about a man with knives for fingers. He would come into your dreams, and mutilate and murder you. The idea of this excited me, being the little snuff doll I am, and I would have so many fantasies about becoming his victim. One night after waking up from a dream where he snuffed me out I was just so wet I had to finger my bald little slit. Well, daddy walked in on me, and demanded to know what I had been fantasizing about. Guiltily I admit that I always wanted to be snuffed out by the man in the movie, and oddly enough daddy left without a word. The next night I had the same kind of dream, and again I was walked in on. However, this time it was hard to tell that it was daddy. He was wearing the full costume of the man in the movie, as well as a glove with sharpened knives for fingers. Using his other hand he removed my fingers from my pussy, and replaced them with one of his knife fingers. The cold metal and the sting of the cut felt so fucking good I could have orgasmed right there. He cut up my cunt and shoved a knife finger into my ass hole as well. He rapidly moved his knife fingers in and out of me, mutilating my tight teen holes. When I came on his knives he took them out, and decided to make a new hole for him to fuck. He sliced open my stomach, and fucked my freshly made hole. I bled to death, and the last thing I felt was him cumming in my stomach. 

snuff porn

Bloody Phone Sex Sacrifice

bloody phone sexBloody phone sex makes my cunt wet. Red is my favorite color. Blood is my favorite taste. I practice witchcraft. I come from a long line of deviant witches. I am no Charmed witch, however. I am more the burned at the stake kind of witch. I have a ritual every full moon. I kidnap a young teen slut. The cock teasing thinks her shit don’t think kind of hot teen slut.  The kind of young slut you would die to fuck. Melissa was my latest victim of my blood ritual. I spotted her at the mall being a mean girl. Cock teasing dirty old men, shop lifting from stores, acting like a total bitch. The world will be better without her. I lured her away from her bitch pack with the promise of a role in a horror film. I have a kill shack off the beaten path for my sacrifices. In the basement is where I hone my craft and sacrifice girls to my Pagan Gods. I bathed her, so she would smell fresh and clean, not like some teen whore mall rat. She hung above me naked. I drank some wine, masturbated and had some blasphemy sex with Satan while I taunted her. My long blade next to me teased her flesh. I could smell her fear; I could hear her cries. She knew this was no movie role. She knew she was going to die. I assured her that since she was a blood sacrifice for Satan and his Pagan gods, she would be reborn in hell for eternity. After my ritual chants were complete, I sunk into the tub beneath her, reached my long blade out and sliced her clear down the middle of her young body. I gutted her like a pig. Her blood and entrails fell over me like a tidal wave. I came masturbating in her blood while watching the life go out of her. Hail Satan. Thank you for the gift of this once vibrant hot teen slut.

Fucked in the Ass

ass rape porn

I got fucked in the ass by one of the P daddy accomplices that invited me over to watch ass rape porn with him and his little daughter. We were supposed to make our own ass-rape fantasy with her and I was to help him destroy her ass! I did not know that this sadistic would be the one whose ass would be violently torn open. He had her ass in the air fucking that shit hole hard and deep already when I walked in. The hair on my arms tingled because that slutkin was enjoying daddy dick deep in her ass and this was not the plan at all. Before I could move a man in black had me knocked out and when I woke my ass was being bloodied and gaped. I wouldn’t scream I took it like the evil bitch I am. Fuck me harder I demanded. Do you think I can’t take the pain I give out! I looked my accomplice deep in the eyes as I was left bloody on the floor, I would be tearing him limb from limb and enjoying his daughters’ flesh soon. Nobody gives a shit about the ass torture I just got, I love pain! But the fucking gall of him to try to pull one on this murderess whore! I will be back for you motherfucker! 

Snuff Porn for Cash

snuff pornSnuff porn until Christmas. That is my fate. I need money for gifts and coke. My husband gave me money to Christmas shop, but I put it up my nose. Now, I have no more blow and no money to buy gifts or coke. A friend told me about auditions at this new underground seedy club. It is a place where men pay lots of money to do whatever they want to women. Torture, force fuck, bondage, toilet play… all the things most women won’t do. She needed money too, so my friend and I went together. The women waiting to get in were junkies and bimbos. Most of them looked rode hard put away wet. I am a coke whore, but I look classy, well at least compared to a strung-out heroin whore in need of a fix. There was a man deciding on who got in. The pay was $500 cash. When the guy got to us, he gave us a wad of cash and ushered us in. I guess we had the look he wanted. Once we were inside, we were on an auction block. Men bid on us. I went for $10,000. Suddenly, my little $500 felt like pocket change.  I could hear screams, smell blood and I heard what sounded like a chainsaw. This was like something straight out of a Hostel movie. I was either not going to live, or wish I was dead afterwards. The man who bought me, never spoke to me. I guess he didn’t want to personalize me. I had to think quick because I saw the hammer, big knives and other torture sex devices. I was not going to live. He started stabbing me. Swallow but painful jabs because he was unsure he wanted to kill me. He paid to snuff me, but in a moment of hesitation, I got away. I ran through a maze of dead women. I grabbed my friend and got the hell out. We were both bloody and bruised. It was a near death experience. Somehow, I think if you paid to torture me, you wouldn’t hesitate.

Great Sadist!!

Torture sex I was at the club and bored as all fucking hell into this hot looking man walked up to me and sat down. He said he had been watching me for a while now and he has heard all the nasty kinky stories about me being a pain fucking slut. He continued to tell me what type of sadist he is and he thinks that us two could have a great fucking time together. So I followed that fucker back to his house like a horny dog in heat. I thought I would have a moment before we got started but to my delight, he punched me right in the face before I was all the way thru his door.

Violent Phone Sex Fantasies

violent phone sexViolent phone sex fantasies consume me. They always have. I need hardcore snuff and torture porn to get off. I can’t watch vanilla shit. It does nothing for me. I was watching this gory horror film with a guy friend of mine last night and I think I shocked him when I started playing with my cunt. This girl was getting butchered and dismembered and I had my fingers up my cunt like a deviant pervert. This guy friend is a fuck buddy. He is not one of my masters. He likes me and has no desire to hurt me which is why he is just a fuck buddy. I use him for his cock and his fingers. He can finger my ass and pussy at the same time, giving me a hard orgasm. I had him do his magic while I rubbed my clit. He doesn’t like snuff movies as much as me, but he likes me, and he will do anything for me. I got nasty. I cut myself, so my blood dripped on his chest and cock. He had no idea I was such a nasty freak. When he saw my blood, his dick got rock hard. I think he even shocked himself. We used my dripping blood as lube as we fucked our brains out. He didn’t dismember or butcher me, but he fucked me like he wanted to and that is a start.

Snuff Humiliation

Taboo phone sex

I haven’t been doing well in school. My grades are bad, and I’ve been getting a lot of detention. My daddy spanks me every time he gets a phone call from the school but apparently, I needed to, “be taught a real lesson.” When my principle called about catching me fucking a boy after school in the stairwell, Daddy became furious. He dragged me down to the basement by my hair. My scalp and body was on fire from being dragged on the stares and cold concrete.

He then ordered me to strip naked. He set up a camera, told me he was going to bring some people who can teach me a lesson and left me in the cold dark basement. I stood for hours shivering. When the door opened, my daddy and a few strange men walked in. They had tools and chains with them. “Clearly you’re not good enough for school. The only thing you’re good for now is to be our little fuck toy,” one mad said.

Big wet tears dripped down my face. They had me stand front and center for the camera. Daddy said they ran a live stream so that everyone would know how much of a skank I was. Daddy took out a long leather whip and began lashing me as hard as he could. I screeched in pain. My skin went from red to split open with every lash. Snot dripped down my face as I begged for him to stop. But him and his friends just laughed.

Daddy and all of his friends cut and whipped at my skin until I was various shades of black, purple and red. Then he ordered the men to live out their twisted rape fantasies me until my cunnie and rosebud bled. They did this for days. Every day I was forced to fuck strangers until I couldn’t move. My dad always kept the camera rolling for his viewers. More and more they want to see more horrific things. What do you think they’ll do next?

Accomplice Phone Sex On Black Friday

Accomplice phone sex

Accomplice phone sex allows Ivy to tell you her stories…..Black Friday shopping was crazy and crowded. We could hardly move through the store. I needed to use the bathroom so bad and could not believe the line to the women’s bathroom. The wasn’t a line to the men’s at all. I peeked my head in and realized no one was even in there. So I decided I would pee quickly in the men’s room and be gone. But when I came out there was a man who had obviously been drinking. You grabbed me by my hair as I tried to leave.

You told me that I wanted to suck your cock and that is why I was in the men’s restroom. You shoved my head down to your hard throbbing cock and told me to suck it. I started licking on your balls to get you to relax. You laughed and said oh babe that is what I am talking about. I put your ball sack in my mouth and rolled it around a little. Then I bit down and ripped your balls off with my sharp teeth. Your bloody balls were rolling around on the floor like a couple of marbles.

Just then my boyfriend walked in and saw what was going on. He grabbed you by the back of the head and force you down on your knees. I took my 7 inch stiletto heel and shoved it up your tight puckered ass. As I was fucking your ass, my boyfriend pulled out his cock and told you to suck it. You were holding your bloody crotch and crying like the little bitch that you were.

You opened your mouth and he grabbed the back of your head. He forcefully face fucked you. Shoving your head all the way down the shaft of his cock. He blew his load of hot jizz in your mouth and washed it down with his warm fizzy pee. I fucked your ass raw and left it bleeding. Then we shoved your head in the dirty toilet and left you were a worthless piece of shit belongs. Who would have thought that Black Friday would have brought about torture sex.

Torture sex