I love a hot fantasy phone sex call. I arrived at the castle by mistake. As a cop, I was out looking for missing girls. My community has had a rash of young girls disappearing into the night lately. I was following a hunch and I drove out to the outskirts of town. There was this majestic castle. It has long been shrouded in mystery. Many people have tried to scale the walls and take pictures. No one ever seems to return. I started thinking maybe that is where all the girls are. It makes sense. No one knows who lives there. Young girls just don’t vanish. I scaled the wall to check it out. It was weird though. It felt like I was being called to the castle. I managed to get in, but a shadowy figure caught me as I was taking pictures. The moment he touched me, I felt paralyzed. I felt captured. He mesmerized me with his eyes. I asked who he was, and he pointed to an ancient picture hanging on the wall. I told myself it wasn’t possible because he had not aged a bit. That was when I saw no reflection in the mirror. He was a vampire. I knew I had to escape, but he froze me with his eyes. I was powerless. Suddenly, it all became clear to me. This was were all the missing girls were and I was to be the next missing girl. As he crawled between my legs, I saw his fangs before he bit down on my inner thigh and started to drink my blood. I came. I was being exsanguinated. I was dying, yet I was aroused. If this was snuff sex, sign me up. He was powerful and sexy and deadly, very deadly. My orgasm was the last one I had as a mortal woman.
Tag: Bloody Phone Sex
Fantasy Phone Sex Call
Tired of broke ass losers
I kill for pleasure in addition to killing for profit but one thing I will never do is take care of some loser’s problems for free no matter how much I may enjoy the killing part. This asshole called me up looking for someone to kill his family for him, he was tired of being a husband and father and all he wanted was the insurance money. What he didn’t want to do was pay me. He felt like I should kill them for free and then keep quiet about it all for nothing just because I am a woman and not a man, can you believe that shit? Well I led him to believe that all that was just fine with me and then went behind his back to show his wife all of his incriminating texts. Well the wife was more than willing to be extremely generous with me so guess who actually died… spoiler alert it was not the wife and brats. I made sure to kill that asshole in a particularly gruesome manner so that the insurance would pay his wife double and we split the profit. It really goes to show you that if you want good work you really need to pay for it.
Ass rape porn
I woke up in the trunk of his car, my hands were so tightly secured I couldn’t move at all. I had a piece of tape over my mouth, and I was already totally naked. I was more than scared, I had no idea who had taken me or where I was or what they planned to do with me. Finally, the car stopped, and they opened the trunk, ready to knock me out if I got feisty but I did as I was told. They made me go with them to a deserted area were eventually I spotted a barn. I started to get really worried, what on earth was in there? When we got inside it was like a movie studio. Everything set up to take premium videos. They ripped the tape off my mouth, I counted over 7 of them all around, waiting. “What the fuck is this?!” I screamed as they pushed me to my knees. He slapped me hard and said “your very own Ass rape porn bitch” and that must have been some kind of que because the men began holding me down so the one with the biggest cock to force his way into my tight unwilling ass. I cried and screamed and begged but one by one they fucked my ass and came in it or on my whore face. I knew I was going to be there for a while. There was lots to use me for.
I Adore Hating You
I’ve been having fantasies of fucking you up in the worst of ways because you are such a fucking cunt slut. You’re nothing to me, you mean nothing, and I will not allow you to live any longer. You’re not going to have any peace with me you fucking bitch because you’re a loser you are the worst of the worst. I want to shove your fucking head into a guillotine and watch the blade fall. I have no mercy when it comes to you I want you to be sliced up in itty bitty pieces and have alcohol poured all over your fucking scuzzbucket body. I’m going to be your nightmare; I will take everything that you thought you deserved away from you. When I am done with you you’re going to be crying and begging for someone, anyone to care just a little bit but nobody’s going to because everybody is with me. You’re a goddamn whore and a fucking misfit I want you to know that. When you look into my eyes, you’re looking at someone who truly hates you, and I adore hating your ass. The day will come when I torture you when I shove instruments in your dried-up pussy and make you fucking pay. I smile when I think of what I’m going to do to you it fills me with Glee. I hope that you know you are my enemy; you are the worst human being on Earth. My boyfriend thought that he was getting some different pussy when he fucked you he thought that he was getting a new taste, but all he was getting was you in trouble. You’re going to pay for that night of fantasy that you had, and you are going to pay dearly. Oh yeah, I’m definitely going to feed you to the beasts, and they are going to treat you worse than you could ever imagine. You thought you could smile in my face after you fucked my boyfriend well now you’re going to find out how much that smile is going to cost you. I want your teeth ripped out of your skull with pliers and shoved into your cunt. I love hating you, bitch.
Snuff Sex Home Nightmare
It was like a snuff sex nightmare. I was dead asleep. My dog started barking, so I got up to see what was wrong. I thought he had to pee. I stepped out the back door with him and some one grabbed me. He pushed me back inside my house while my dog was outside barking. The masked figure tied me up like one of my bondage shoots. He never spoke. He showed me his huge knife and I shut up quickly when I realized I could die. In my head, I told myself this was just a dream. My assailant cut my body. He carved whore in my chest. I was waiting for him to force fuck my cunt or ass, but he seemed to be getting off on sexually mutilating my body. The pain was agonizing. My flesh was carved up like I was in a Saw movie. I could feel my hot blood running down my body. My attacker lit a cigarette and started smoking watching my body bleed like he was in some post cum bliss. Before the cigarette went out, he burned my bleeding nipples and my clit. When he inserted a few fingers up my cunt, I realized my assailant was a woman. Those were not man hands fisting my cunt. That explained why I was not fucked. Who was it? A wife or a jealous bitch? Someone I knew or a random stranger? She broke into my house tied me up mutilated my body for hours, then left quietly, never saying a word. I was left tied up on my living room floor, bleeding on the carpet and wondering what chick I pissed off so much she would extract this kind of revenge. I guess that is the life of a taboo phone sex whore.
I skinned her alive
I found a little whore all alone and I thought to myself that she would be perfect to try something new on. I’ve always wanted to see if I could skin something while it was alive and then make something with the skin but I’ve never had a chance to do it till now. I restrained her and started with her face and worked my way down her body nice and slow. I didn’t want to tear the flesh I wanted one big piece to make into people leather and I actually did it! She lived thru most of it too she was screaming in agony the whole time I was cutting and I swear my panties were soaked! Finally I guess the shock and blood loss got to her and she died right before I finished but it was really fun anyway. I used her skinless bloody hand to masturbate with and now I have a whole girl suit to get crafty with. What do you think I should make with it?
Ass rape porn
When I woke up it was dark, pitch black and I had tape over my mouth and handcuffs around my wrists. I am naked, my ankles are bound together as well. I can tell eventually that I am in a car’s trunk and it isn’t long before we stop. I can hear the blood in my ears as I wait, so much anticipation I can hardly handle it. He opens the trunk, camera in hand already rolling as he says “Welcome to your very own Ass rape porn, bitch!” He drags me by my hair and onto the ground were he starts kicking me over and over-demanding that I crawl over to the mattress he has set up in the woods. I am crying. I can’t breathe and can barely move. I try to get there but it isn’t quick enough for him. He grabs my hair and drags me to a tree, unlocking my handcuffs before locking them again after my arms are wrapped around the tree as if I am hugging it. He’s cussing at me, he’s angry I didn’t get to the mattress quick enough and now I am going to pay for it. He starts fucking me hard and fast, smashing my face against the tree’s bark in an attempt to abuse me even more.m I am helpless and my struggles are useless as he fucks my holes over and over. He removes the duct tape and blows a load into my mouth before putting a fresh piece over my mouth. He leaves me there, bound to the tree with cum running down my body from being filled up, and down my throat from him too. I am crying and screaming for hours and no one comes. Will I die here? The camera caught everything too. The brutal ass fucking that left his cock bloody to where I had to clean it off.
They made a big mistake
I went out looking for a victim or two and this young couple fell right into my lap. They were drunk as hell and looking for a threesome so I acted liek I was interested and took them back to my place. I tied up the guy, he thought that we were gonna do sexy things to him but instead I started the torture. His girl was freaking out and trying to get me to stop but I just hit her upside the head and she fell right over. I threw her unconscious body on top of his and tied them together and began to beat them both black and blue. I waited for them to wake up and see that they were well and truly fucked, there would be no escape for them. The real torture started then because they were awake and sober enough to really feel the pain. I did everything from throwing boiling water on them to cutting them to breaking their bones. It was hot as fuck and when they died I took them out back and burned their bodies in the garbage pile.
Snuff sex
I was at a very impressionable age when my Daddy first started forcing me to help him make snuff films.The screams don’t bother me anymore. I didn’t want to be involved at first. I would hear the screams for hours and then eerie silence immediately after, coming from the basement. I grew to know that after the screaming stopped, Daddy would come back upstairs and fuck me hard. Sometimes he was covered in blood and scratches but every time, he would hold me down and force his huge, stiff cock into my tiny, bald cunt. He would fuck me for what felt like hours. Whatever he was doing down in the basement had him rock hard every single time and I grew to love it. Once he made me suck his cock as he strangled a hooker. As she slowly slipped away, and stopped fighting back, he blew a huge load in my mouth. It has gotten to where I crave the screams because I know what comes next.
Torture sex
“No! Please no!” My screams were useless, he had his mind set up for torture sex, and that’s what I was going to get. I already couldn’t handle the pain and torment he’d given me, I figured this must be how I die. He’s got me dangling by ropes, clothes pins all over my body, my tits are bound a butt plug far too large has been forced into my mouth. He has a shock collar around my neck, and he’s been slowly torturing me. He keeps fucking my mouth, making me feel like I am dying on his dick only to electrocute me back to the present. He’s got weights on my nipple clamps and keeps slapping me around. He’s been smoking cigs and keeps putting them out one by one all over my body. My screams are unheard, my cunt lips are swollen and my body is black and purple. He brings out something else, something terrifying a dildo with sharp things all over it. Is he really going to fuck my pussy with that? I will bleed! He doesn’t care, he wants me to hurt wants me to have this punishment and there’s nothing I can do about it.