Ahhh babysitting the fucking brats again. This has turned out to be a super fucking gig. I love drugging the little bastards and fucking them up. And the parents have no fucking clue how sadistic I get with these little fuckers! I went about our usual routine, feeding them their laced dinner, rubbing my cunt under the table as it gets wetter by the minute. Thinking of all the twisted shit I am going to do tonight. Just as their little heads start to bob I get up and take all their clothes off before tying them to their chairs, legs spread and ankles tied to each leg. I am on my knees and just about to take that little cock in my mouth when I hear the front door open. Fuck me what the fuck are they doing home? They aren’t due back for hours. Standing up and straightening my clothes I emerge from the kitchen to find him there looking through the credenza for something. God I hope he doesn’t go in the kitchen, good thing the little brats can’t do anything but drool at this point. He has forgotten his credit card he thinks it is in his office on his desk. Fuck he has to walk right -past the kitchen. Luckily I am able to keep his attention and keep him looking at me as we pass the doorway. Finally he has his card and is walking out the door, none the wiser. Fuck that was close as shit and as I close the door the rush of almost getting caught sends a wave of cum flowing out of my cunt and down my legs. Time to get back to business.
Tag: babysitter phone sex
Caught In The Act (Almost)
The Evil Sitter
I get to baby sit the fucking brats again. Last time was so much fun and this time I have some really interesting things planned. I have their drugs packed and ready to administer at dinner time as soon as their parents leave. This time I have some toys and I am going to make them torture each other with while I watch. My cunt is alive with the sound of crying…I can’t stop thinking about how much fun this is going to be. I have fish hooks that they are going to put though each others bodies. I have a cattle prod and they are going to shock each other in their little pussy and cock. I have a jar full of red fire ants and they are going to pour honey on each other and then put the ants on each other. I am going to watch them cry and scream while they obey my every command, knowing they won’t remember a thing in the morning. I love watching others torture each other with me in control almost as much as I love to issue the torture myself. This is going to be a fun night for my cunt to cum and be happy!
Beg Me Not To
I love a good begging whore. Bondage is great. All tied up and served to me on a platter, legs spread, eyes wide with fear, and mouth gagged with some coarse rope. I love it when their tittes are nice and plump with blood. Using and abusing people as toys. Treating them like human meat. Maiming, using, abusing them in whatever way I decide to that day. I like to shove objects up their holes that should never belong there. I’ve fucked chicks with scissors, Fourth of July sparklers, scrap metal from an old flagpole, and my personal favorite–the barrel of a gun. Do you have any idea how painfully agonizing it is to shoot a bullet up a bitch’s vaginal canal? Yeah, baby. That hunk of steel goes right through the cervix, pierces their ovary, slams through their uterus, and proceeds to tear apart every internal organ it breaches before punctuating the heart and slamming up into the throat. When the esopagus is popped open and the stupid whore can no longer process air, I like to lean in close and listen to her choking on her own breath, the whole in her breathpipe causing her to sputter and gasp. Too late for anything but enjoying her last moments, now. I guess she should’ve begged harder when I first asked.
Twisted Sitter
I can put a big smile on my face and act so sweet when it means bringing a wicked and twisted plan to fruition. They needed a babysitter and I needed to fuck up some brats. They didn’t know me from the man on the moon. But I looked respectful, dressed in good girl clothes, pearls on my neck. I knew just what to say and how to smile and nod my head. Their babysitter had canceled at the last minute and this was an important dinner engagement, they would pay me extra since it was such short notice. They gave me the emergency numbers and all the info I needed, introducing me to the brats, and giving me their schedule, they rushed out of the door. I started cooking for the little brats adding a special ingredient. They ate like they were starving and I sat back smiling at them waiting for them to be done. Bath time was going to be so much fun and they wouldn’t remember a thing to tell mommy and daddy. The site of their excited and intoxicated naked little bodies had me all worked up. I put them in the bath and started my torture. Holding their heads under while they kicked and fought to come to the surface my cunt getting wetter by the minute. Watching their little faces fill with fear as I continued the water torture over and over again till I came all over myself. Taking them to their room, confused and disoriented I began my assault on the little bald pussies. Fucking them roughly abusing every inch of them until I came again. Finally they passed out from the effects of the drug and I dressed them in their pajamas tucking them in with a wicked smile.
Babysitter phone sex with Blaze
Babysitter phone sex is what gets me off! That and shopping. And I get to go shopping later today. I earned a lot of money last weekend. I got to babysit the Minks. They have the cutest little girls. They each have long blonde hair and big blue eyes. Their mom used to be some type of model or something. I don’t know, she looks okay I guess. But the girls sure are pretty. I knew that when I finally got to babysit them without their big brother around. I knew I would make lots of money. And I was right. Their brother David spent the night at a friends house. So it was just me and the girls. And of course my video camera. I slipped a little extra into their Kool-Aid. And then invited a bunch of my friends over. They each paid two thousand dollars to be the first ones to teach those little sluts what their made for. And of course I got to videotape the whole thing I’ll make more money off those videos and I made off the little slut’s fuckfest. I have to admit those little sluts were naturals. I swear those little whores were begging for more. And they’re going to get it, I get to babysit them next weekend to.
Dont fuck with me
This time of the year everyone is fucking crazy! It is all sales and bargains and everyone is in a fucking hurry! I like to hunt around Christmas. There are so many assholes it makes picking the perfect person so much fun. I was supposed to go to the mall and find someone when my fucking mom said I had to babysit for my Jenkins. She knows I hate it when she offers me up like that. I don’t know what it is with this family going to my mom instead of calling me. It really pisses me off. And tonight I am going to do something about it. Oooh I will have fun fucking with their brats. BUT that is not what I have in mind. See I figure the only way they will stop bothering me to help their family, Is if they don’t have a family to help. So I am just going to make sure Mr. Jenkins fucks me. And his wife catches us. It’s the only way. That bitch will avoid me like the plague. Don’t get me wrong… I am not going let him stick his dick in me. Just suck on my nipples. Then tell his wife I am so sorry He said he had to have something younger to turn him on. And bamn. No more interruptions from them. And back to hunting like I really want. Fuck them. I will teach them to fuck with me.
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Drug Fantasy Phone Sex with Evil Alice
I just have so much fun when I drug up those fuckin’ brats before I have my way with them. It really makes them more entertaining for you and me. Look at it this way, they would be so high that it won’t matter to them on how we will shove your cock deep up into their ass. Or maybe it would be totally hot to turn them into crackheads and watch how much they will beg to get their next fix. But that won’t happen until we watch them beg for you to face fuck them until they puke on your dick. I just puts a smile on my face when I see them laughing hysterically while I tighten your belt around their tiny necks. However, I find it so much easier to trick them into taking pills by lying to them and saying it is candy. You know that those lil’ idiots love candy so lets give them the whole bottle. So many drugs and so lil’ time! Lol!
Kidnapping phone sex with wicked Alice
There are some people these day that have terrible parenting skills or just none at all. So with that in mind it just makes it too easy for individuals like me and you to snatch them up way. Long after the fact that their parents finally notice they are missing. Lol! Oh but I must say that out of all the little ones in the the world to steal away for our fun times, it would have to be the ones that don’t listen and are greedy. You know which ones that I am talking about. I am talking about the ones at the store that wander off away from their parents to go look at the toy aisle or that fucking cryin’ , whiny brat that screams at her mommy for that candy that is in the check out lane that won’t stop making a huge ass scene. Yes, those are the perfect ones to take away to a dark place where we can do to them what their parents failed to do for them … punish the fuckin’ shit out of them for their horrid behavior. But why stop there, your cock is still hard and I need to satisfy demented thirst deep within my existence. We both will get off taking care of this precious, young one and the world will be a happier place without one less annoying lil’ shit around to pester us. So what are we waiting for? Let’s go grab that one over there.
Pig Tail Brats
What fun I have babysitting all the different kinds of fucking spoiled brats? They come in all shapes, colors, and ages. I have always been picked by several adults to watch their “precious bundle of joy”. Oh what the fuck ever! To me, they are all beyond annoying and should be be slap around while I ram a hard cock up their tight lil’ fuck holes. But out of all the brats I babysit, I just can’t help myself with those lil’ pig-tailed girls. They REALLY need to be played with the most. Look at it this way, when you pick out the pig-tailed ones it make it so easy to face fuck them with your hard cock as you hold on to their cute pig-tail hair. They make great handles to hold on to while they gab their fucking eyes out on your cock. Lol! Not to mention, how fun it is to rip off their tiny panties and watch them scream. Looking
at the face of a pig-tailed lil girl just gets me wet when I think about all the fun things I am going to stuff in her twat. It’s like take the face of innocence and ravaging it into the perfect fuck toy. Or I can flip them over and have their lil’ asses in the air so that they are in the best position. After I force that cock into their asshole, I can spank that ass until I am done with her. That will teach lil’ pig-tailed brats that they are not sweet princesses that should stomp their pretty lil feet whenever they want to get whatever they whine about. They just make the best victims with it comes to getting your cock to cum hard, don’t you agree? Lol!