Tag: babysitter phone sex

Mother Goose Gore

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I figured I would write my own book for little ones to read. A book that I could read to the little ass holes to scare them and watch the fear on their tiny little chubby faces. A way to torture them and make them fear their most beloved nursery rhymes. Oh how evil my laugh will be as they squeal at the horrid words I will sing to them. I hope you enjoy my devious collection, I know we will when we have fun with them together. Ha ha.

My version of 1,2 buckle my shoe;

1, 2 I am watching you

3, 4, gonna taste you whore

5, 6, Put your cunt on a stick

7, 8, Let you bake

9, 10 That’s your end.

The old lady who lived in a shoe

There was an old bitch who lived in a shoe
She bread lots of brats and she knew what to do;
sold them to men for money and let them cut off their heads;
The ones who lived, were tortured and beaten

Some of the ass holes were even eaten.

Im a little PGirl (Instead of teapot. HaHa)

Im a little Pgirl

Tiny and thin

When you come over

My knife goes right in

Lets have a good time

Help me out

Rip them open n’ tear their guts right out.

Wha Wha Little Bitch (should be bah bah black sheep)

Wha, Wha,

        Stupid Slut

Wanna Suck

          His Cock?

Yes please,

          Yes please,

Till my bellies full.

Knife to the kidney,

Tear open your ass

              Your about to

              Die you cunt

               Better hope

               You die fast

Ha, Ha

              Stupid slut

Still wanna

               Suck that cock?

I’ll take your silence

               That you have no guts to stuff. 

Sitter Smoothies

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I decided I need to make myself a little bit of cash. It is not like a have a high set of skills besides murder, death, kill, and rape either. So I was walking on my way home from school and saw a sign for sitter needed hanging on a tree.  I took it into my hand and ripped it down. OUCH. The paper snagged my finger causing it to bleed. I smirked a little sticking into my mouth and reading the advertisement. It advertised for a sitter for their three brats so that they could go out. There were phone number tabs on it but I just decided I would cut out the competition and take the whole thing. I called the number when I got home and tried to sound super chipper.

    The parents rattled off a list of requirements that came with watching he little ass holes, like no gluten, organic and all that bull shit. I had no problem with it at all. I was ready to just do what I was paid for and leave. When getting ready I made sure to dress like a good little slut and put my hair into two pigtails. When I showed up I acted like a stupid preppy twat with an ear to ear smile. When they left the little maggots and I stood on the front pouch waving good bye to their parents as they pulled out of the driveway with haste. I did not know why they pulled away so fast until the little brats become total fucking terrors. The oldest little bitch kept demanding I make her a smoothie. I did not know what a smoothie was nor was I going to make one for a stuck up bitch who thought she was entitled because mommy and daddy had lots of money.

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                She would not quit so I decided that I was going to teach that dumb bitch a lesson. Next time she came in to bitch at me what her demands were of me because she felt as though I was working for her I hit that dumb blonde brat over the head and watched her knock to the floor. While she was knocked out I tied her up then put the other two brats up stairs and tied their mouths shut stuffed with a sock. I heard her start to wake up so I went down stairs and straddled her lap. Her eyes got large and she tried to scream past her gag. I giggled as I slid the knife up her torso tearing her shirt. I told her that I was going to make her a smoothie and I was going to fit in everything she loved. She looked puzzled and with that I lopped off her hand. I giggled as I went over to the counter and stuck it into the blended. I mocked her as I ground it up, told her how good she was going to taste to herself. I continued to cut and blend fitting both arms meat into the blender. She started to gurgle and I realized that she was not fun anymore so I shot her in the head so I could start to figure out what to do with the body.

                I looked all around and decided I would blend the rest of her up and toss her into an old container to take with me. She fit into a old five gallon bucket in the garage and was surprisingly light. Her bones broke up easily and I knew a friend who would reuse them for various art projects. That is how I could make extra money, I could get rid of the dumb cunts that continued to mess with me and sell their remains to those I know had interest. Look at me being crafty with my skills. 

Mutilation phone sex

Murder phone sex Fantasies

Babysitter phone sex

It started a long time ago. When homework and being popular crowded my mind. To think I used to watch little shit heads for money every weekend till I skipped out of that fucking town. Looking back on it now that was my first time and it was so messy. No one ever found those little fur balls that disappeared. After a few years of being away from that town a blast from the past came into the store I was at. He walked up to me, He knew who I was which shocked me. I couldn’t believe that the big strong tall man who stood before me was the little shit bag I used to watch while his whore mommy got high and fucked as many men as she could. I idolized her. She is who I wanted to be and I became her. Her son however was rather yummy looking. I invited him over for some fun.

Bloody phone sex

As we drove to my house I leaned over the seat and started rubbing his cock. He tried to act like that wasn’t what he wanted. I told him I remembered him rubbing his cock all the time when I was there. He smiled and pushed my head back down on his cock. I knew I had him. I was going with the flow I didn’t really have a plan for this. We got into my house. He followed me inside and watched as I slowly walked through my house taking off my clothes. We made it to my bedroom where I laid down. That is when he crawled up to me and started sucking and fingering my cunt.

Killer phone sex

I could have stopped him there, but I wanted to have him. Fucking him was like fucking his whore mother. After hours of sex, and hours of getting fucked up. We took a bath together. I got on top of him and slid his cock inside of me. I started to ride him. Water was splashing and going everywhere. He had his head back and eyes closed. At that moment I pulled out my knife and slit his throat. He came inside of me as he leaked his warm blood into the bath.  I had him and now I am relaxing in his blood.

Whores of the World Edition!

Babysitter phone sexI have seen just about EVERYTHING in my young life. But I was so surprised when I got to do a Babysitting gig at Mr. Murphy’s. See Mr. Murphy and his wife love little ones. The problem is that they couldn’t have any brats themselves. So they adopted. And they didn’t stop with just ONE. They went for the brats of the world special! There is Ming from China. And Frena from Africa and Kim from Lebonon. 3 Beautiful girls. Who looked NOTHING alike! And with such a tasty little buffet, I knew I could ask even more. I took a few snap shots of the girls drugged and naked. Then the offers started pouring in! Even I was surprised by how much a buffet was worth! Tasty morsels around the word. I settled on Marvin. He paid triple my normal rate! And he fucked each one of those little sluts. Hard and FAST! Like a wild animal! It was fucking HOT HOT HOT!

Branching Out!

Accomplice phone sexI had to branch out ad find some new little sluts to babysit. So I put an ad on Craigslist. I know.. Who the fuck would hire some stranger off Craigslist to watch their little ones! It is like they were BEGGING me to make their little ones into sluts! And I am always ready to give someone what they want or deserve! Now the business is just pouring in! Last night I watched a sweet little piece of meat. She was so young and tender! I had her drugged and waiting when her parents left. She was so good to go. I let Mike have the fun. He ripped her little princess dress off and fucked her like a 2 dollar hooker. I am going to make a killing off this tape. And I loved watching that little piece of meat getting used like the slut she really is! The harder Mike fucked the whore the wetter I got! And when mike finally made that little slut his cum whore! I came so fucking hard!

Babysitter Phone Sex with Venus: Don’t Fuck with an Evil Babysitter

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Against my better judgment, I answered an ad for a babysitter. I needed some extra cash, and although I detest most rugrats, I thought I could endure some spoiled brats for the right price. The ad I answered was too good to be true. I’m not a dumb blonde, so when anything sounds too perfect, I bring my knife collection as a safety precaution. Beautiful mansion on several acres in the middle of nowhere. Red flag #1. Picture perfect family red flag #2. Paid me in advance and very well red flag #3. When the parents left, I had my eyes and ears open as I was pretty sure I was watching the devil’s spawn.

I’m not your typical babysitter. Fuck, I’m not your typical anything. So, I roofied the brats with their warm milk. Once they were knocked out, I went snooping to find anything to alert me to the dangers that likely lurked within those walls. Being an evil bitch with a penchant  for sadism, I knew what to look for- trap doors, false walls and the like. In the basement, I found it. A hidden door that led to a room of horrors. Young dead girls hanging from meat hooks in various stages of decay. Some I recognized as missing persons in my neighborhood. Red flag #4 dead babysitters in the basement.

Don’t fuck with the babysitter is my motto. I went upstairs, pulled the devil’s spawn out of their beds and tied them to the dining room chairs. Laid out my massive knife collection on the table in full few. Got some cold water and threw it in their little cherub faces to wake them the fuck up. Then I demanded answers. With knives to their throats they admitted their parents like to do naughty things to their babysitters. Each week a new babysitter arrives but never leaves. Daddy likes to force himself on young girls while mommy watches, then they snuff the girl out so she can’t tell. No one fucks with Venus unless Venus wants to be fucked. They hired the WRONG babysitter this time.

rape phone sex fantasies bloody sexI’m not above killing little ones, especially if they have evil parents. Chances are they have the devil gene in them too. I waited for ma and pa to return home. When they walked in the front door and saw their babies tied up, I clocked them over the head with a baseball bat. They woke up tied to a chair just like their brats. All four of them spread eagle, tied to chairs as I circled around them like a vulture. I looked at the parents and explained to them that I discovered their dirty little secret in the basement, and how their brats filled in the gaps. Then without warning, I butchered the demon seeds in front of their parents. 50 whacks at least to those brats. Blood spewed in the face of their parents; their little bodies thrashing about  violently; I could hear them gurgling on their blood…. Parents were mortified, in shock, screaming. I took the knife and fucked mommy’s cunt with it. Big ass blade pierced through her pussy slicing her internal organs. I chopped daddy’s dick clear off and shoved it down his wife’s mouth. “Now you won’t violate any more babysitters or birth anymore demon seeds that could inherit you evil genes,” I said. I licked the blood off my crimson red knife. I was so turned on by all the blood.

They were going into shock, bleeding out everywhere. I called 911 and left confident they wouldn’t turn me in. Giving me up as the sadistic bitch that killed their little ones and mutilated their sex organs, would reveal them as babysitter killers. They can keep on violating young girls if they want, but the cycle of evil ends with them. Oh wait, daddy has no dick no more.  He can’t even violate his hand.

Don’t fuck with the babysitter.

Babysitting fun!

Babysitter phone sex

I was babysitting some new meat this week end. They were so fucking cute. To little virgin sisters who needed to be broke in and filmed! I set the whole thing up. Gave them a little drink to make them all wobbly. And set up my video recorder. I invited Tom over to take care of the girls. I love how hard he is on them! Ripping their clothes off. And slapping the little sluts around! The harder he fuck those whore the wetter I got! I am going to make a forute off these whores. And when Tom flipped them over and rammed his cock in their ass, I just about came all over myself! And when he pulled his cock out and made those sluts suck his cock clean, that was it! I started cuming HARD! Tom finished it up by making the whores his cum dumpsters! I loved it! Cant wait to “take care” of them again!

Ass rape porn or a Butt rape porn fantasy

Ass rape porn or a butt rape porn fantasy will be granted to a few perverts I know and babysit for. These gaping assholes seem to think they can give me a ride home and try getting some. Pa Lease, yeah seriously I wear these cutesy outfits and act all sweet and innocent, but that doesn’t mean shit! Well, actually I lied, it’s all part of my sadistic plan and manipulation is sweet and tasty like my cunt.

Ass rape porn

The plan; I catch the fathers off guard when I know the mother/ wife will be away, in fact I set it up *wink*. I skip on over to victim #1’s house and ring the bell. When Mr. Reardan answered the door I turned on the charm and made sure my back was to the door as I bent over to fix my shoelace. Granting Mr. Reardan a fine view and oh I think i forgot my panties. Lured in I push past him and grabbed his tie like a leash and pulled him along. I shove him down on the bed as I raise my skirt up and pull a dildo out and start fucking myself with it. Making him strip and crawl across the bed to me as I giggle. Motioning him to turn around I get his ass right where I want it. I take his tie and loop it up and toss over his head.

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Grabbing the tie tight I strangle him as I take his ass cherry against  his will, or was it that SOB fucking shot a load as I pushed in and pulled the tie. I pull out and remove the tie, he’ll be passed out for a bit. I roll him over and see his cock is still hard and decided to take a ride. I suffocated him as I rode his cock to my own pleasure.

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The next guy will not get off so easily.


Babysitter Phone Sex with Blair: Don’t Trust Me with Your Little Ones!

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I know I look like a normal suburban housewife. The kind of woman who would be safe babysitting your girls, especially considering I have my own brood. But here is what no one realizes, well no one trapped in suburbia at least. I have a huge drug problem and I am a dirty whore. I love to party and be used.  So when someone makes me an unseemly  offer, I almost always take them up on it. Like when my dealer offers me unlimited cocaine in exchange for the young teen charges in my care. Those girls mean nothing to me. So, of course, I have no problem slipping some roofies in their hot coco, and pimping them out for some teen rape porn.

After they passed out, my dealer came in the house with his posse. He put ball gags in their  mouths and I undressed them. They looked so innocent laying there. One guy was filming everything as the others violated their holes. Guys were grabbing handfuls of little titties; cramming fingers up their asses; and fucking their virgin cunts. When I saw all the blood, I knew they were virgins. Those girls were getting gangbanged by men three times their age, and I just sat there and watched. Most teen girls are nothing but mean girl brats, so I have no problem assisting in their torture. These little bitches were covered in cum, blood running down their thighs, and all I could think about was all the coke I was going to get. The guys even mutilated their pussies. Took a scalpel and sliced their pussy lips. Even pierced their clits. All for the camera too.

teen rape porn snuffThey woke up early. I thought I doped them up enough to be out cold for awhile, and I could just clean them up before their parents returned. When they woke up they started screaming  and causing a ruckus. My dealer punched each whiney bitch square in the jaw until they passed out. He upped my ante. Let him take the girls and properly dispose of them, and he would throw in 10 grand. That was a no brainer. I could toss the house, make it look like the girls tied me up, had a wild party and disappeared. Teen girls runaway daily in this world. I knew what he was going to do with them. Hot teen pussy is worth a lot of money on the black market. Once sold as sex slaves and transported to Russia or the Ukraine, these little whores would never be found again. No way they could ever rat me out. But, I knew he was going to have some fun with them first. He was not done  ruining their tight wholes or inflicting pain.

Once I had my money in my hand, I didn’t give those girls a second thought. And for the right price, I will be your accomplice too. Help you ruin all the young girls you want! Fresh young meat is so fun to play with, don’t you think?

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Pandora’s Box Where Trophies are Stored

Little trophies gathered from my victims I keep near and fucking dear. The darkness that fills my head and the joy I had in school dissecting things. With the frog I kept it’s tongue, the piggy… I had to have it’s heart. It’s no wonder that parents entrust me with their offspring. I suppose my persuasion and magic wins out all the time. rophies are good for magic. The most power one can hold over another is their life.

evil phone sex

I drain life from families, and these young sluts are shamed easily especially when I am taking their daddy’s seed in my mouth or cunt right there in front of them. Oh, and the wife/ mother, hahahaha… she won’t be a problem. The men and fathers I will hold their seed in my pus and when I get home… I take a big ole turkey baster and suck the cum outta my cunt. You may be wondering what I will do with it… I store it in lab specimen bottles and put them into a nitrous filled and sealed vat.

One may wonder why I am going through the trouble… well, I have a sick need of staging scenes and what better than to stage the semen of a girls daddy or their next door neighbor within and around the sweet young thing. Oh I am evil framing a daddy for a young brats death. I see no problem with that and none whatsoever in taking little bits of each sweet kill. 

Evil phone sex

Hunt and gather with me under a full moon, and we’ll see who the hunted will be.