Tag: Ass Rape porn

Biker Night

snuff phone sex aubreeI needed a drink last night after a crappy day at work, so I stopped at this bar called The Strap. It was full of hardcore bikers and when I walked through the door, I felt like a gazelle running right into a pack of lions at dinner time. “Well look at this tasty piece,” the biker nearest me said, and before my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the bar, he grabbed me around the waist and pushed me right into a booth where he was drinking with a couple of his buddies. “Who says no one puts ‘Baby’ in the corner?” he hoarsely chuckled, and the smell of whiskey and mint chew was unmistakable on his breath. Three cold beers and two tequilas later, I was going home with three horny bikers, riding bitch with the guy who was my doorman. He may have laid claim on me first, but all three took turns with me that night. I was on all fours for most of what I could remember, getting every hole pounded as the bikers took turns with me. Two would be fucking my pussy or mouth or ass, while one of them was taking a video of all the action. When Biker #1 rode me back to my car in the morning, he said if I wanted my hands on a copy of that video I had better show up at the bar the same time next week. No doubt I will be there. Those guys don’t realize I can take a whole lot more of what they can dish out. This week can’t go by fast enough…and now I have to go to work with a fucking hangover and smelling like a truck stop ho.

Blair’s Lesbian Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn mommy rape fantasiesMy son texted me to pick him up at school, so of course I went like a good mommy. When I walked into the gym where he was supposedly waiting,  I did not yet know I would be the star of a gangbang rape porn. The cheerleading squad informed me that my son paid them good money to make me a part of their lesbian rape porn and resisting me was futile. I thought this was part of some early April Fool’s joke. Was I being punked? I looked around for my son, some sign this was a hoax.  I laughed, sure it had to be a joke, and started to leave.

lesbian rape porn gangbangA girl grabbed me by my hair gruffly, slammed my face against the bleachers and said, “Whore, you leave when we say you can.” My nose was bleeding. I even bit my tongue. All the girls started smacking me, beating me into submission.  Kicking me, calling me names, spitting on me, pulling my hair, they taunted me, made sure I knew that I was their bitch. If I wanted out of Satan’s School for Cheerleaders no more scathed than I already was, I knew I had to be a good little whore.

They pawed at me like I was a piece of raw meat and they were hungry animals. Ripped all my clothes off exposing my body. The harsh auditorium light nauseated me. Fingers were crammed in my cunt, my ass and even down my throat. Two girls shoved their fists up me simultaneously. I was being double fisted by teen cheerleaders who could be my own offspring they were so young. No lube, no warning, just dry fists up my tight holes. I could feel the head cunt cheerleader pulling my asshole out.  My ass was prolapsed, bleeding, swollen just from their fists, when I was introduced to the biggest, thickest dildo I had ever encountered.

ass rape porn naughty mommyBefore I had the pain of the dildo from hell up my ass, they each fucked me with a strap-on. Gangrape porn was being made with my ass as the star. Seven bitches violated my already tortured ass. I didn’t know lesbians could be so rough with another woman.  My asshole was gaping open, blood was trickling down my taint. The site of my blood made them ravenous, and they took that huge dildo and rammed it up my asshole so hard, I swear it could have come out my mouth. My ass never hurt so much before. These cheerleader cunts shredded my ass; hurt me more than a gang of cocks ever had before.

After several hours of anal abuse at the hands of evil cheerleaders, my son showed up to get me. He did indeed sell me to these bitches to settle a drug debt he owed. Apparently even teen lesbian cheerleaders from hell enjoy a soccer mom’s ass for some gangbang rape porn. Can you hurt my ass worse than 7 evil cheerleaders?  

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Family Rape Porn Fantasy with Blair: Forced Son Gangbang

rape phone sex fantasies mommy whoreI thought my boys only had rape phone sex fantasies, like most horny men.  Turns out they wanted to explore a family rape porn fantasy they have had for their mommy since they were little boys. I love my sons, but they are really hardcore and abusive in the bedroom. When my boys fuck they do a ton of cocaine, making them animalistic. Many a girlfriend has cried on my shoulder after my boys have essentially used her.  I raised them better than that, but they love to make a bitch cry. Love to film themselves fucking and sharing a girl like she was a piece of meat.

They got in some trouble at a hotel; unable to pay their bill so they called their mommy for some cash. I agreed to go to this no tell motel  against my better judgment. I was likely gonna find some poor girl dead or in a pool of vomit, piss, cum and blood. When I got there, the joke was on me. The bitch they planned on violating tonight was me, their own mother. I walked right into a trap. My oldest son slapped me so hard in the face for protesting that he knocked a tooth out. My other sons started grabbing me rather violently. My clothes were ripped from my body, my hair pulled, fingers and fists shoved up my pussy and ass, they even spit on me. I was screaming and begging for mercy. Trying to reason with them that this is not how you treat your mother. I knew they were animals in the bedroom, but up until now, they were animals to some stupid coed, never their mother.

family rape porn fantasy mommy gangbangOne son gripped my throat so hard, I thought for sure he would crush my trachea. While I was gasping for air, they fisted my cunt and ass, putting two even three fists in me at once, all the while forcing me to suck their cocks. They not only shot loads of hot jizz down my throat but they pissed down my mouth too. The ultimate degradation. My boys were violating me in the worst way. And if that was not shameful enough, they were filming me. This was a far cry from the mother son porn Kay Parker did in the 80s. Despite having all dumped a load down my throat, they were still hard to torture my ass.  They forced their cocks into every one of mommy’s holes. My ass and pussy were bloody and swollen like raw meat.

gangbang rape porn redhead mommy whoreI was crying, pleading for mercy. I couldn’t believe they were forcing their own mother to be a dirty fuck toy.  It’s like they forgot they came out of the pussy they were violating. Hours and hours of anal torture, being a human cum dump and toilet, even a breeding whore by the men I brought into this world. I felt abused, violated and humiliated. When their cocks were drained, they kicked me out of the hotel room, naked and bound. My sons are animals. The only reason they did not snuff me out is because they hoped they had bred me. Apparently pregnant porn  is a big cash cow too. Not sure if I can handle another family fuck fest like this one.

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Pain Whore

He made me stand in front of him. I could see the video camera rolling behind him. He told me to strip. I did. I always do everything he tells me to. He has control of my mind because he controls the pleasure in my body. He controls it with pain. He always toys with me by asking me what I would like to do. He doesn’t really care, its just a cat toying with a mouse. His way of showing me that my thoughts don’t matter. He tells me to get the club with the blades on the end. My favorite.

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I see his cock rise as he imagines the blood that will soon flow from my pussy. His voice is kind and quiet, but his thoughts and desires are as dark and evil as can be had. He tells me to put the club on the floor and squat over it. He watches calmly, stroking his cock slowly. I squat over the club and all the sharp blades. I can feel the cold steel licking at my pussy lips. I want to feel the cold fire that they cause when they slice through my cunt. He knows I want it, and he makes me wait.

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My legs are trembling, as I hover over the pleasure he controls. He tells me to look into the camera and beg him for what I need. I am a fuckpig whore and I cannot help myself. I look at the camera and beg to feel the blades cut me. Tears run down my cheeks, not from fear, but from love, for this man who can give me everything I need. He wants to witness my mutilation, and I want to feel the release of my life blood all over the dirty floor. I finish begging to the camera and I look at him one last time. He simply nods, and I know that I can now drop down and split myself open. The pain is so sharp and sudden that my scream is silent. As the room goes dark, I see him cumming into the air…

Ass rape porn or a Butt rape porn fantasy

Ass rape porn or a butt rape porn fantasy will be granted to a few perverts I know and babysit for. These gaping assholes seem to think they can give me a ride home and try getting some. Pa Lease, yeah seriously I wear these cutesy outfits and act all sweet and innocent, but that doesn’t mean shit! Well, actually I lied, it’s all part of my sadistic plan and manipulation is sweet and tasty like my cunt.

Ass rape porn

The plan; I catch the fathers off guard when I know the mother/ wife will be away, in fact I set it up *wink*. I skip on over to victim #1’s house and ring the bell. When Mr. Reardan answered the door I turned on the charm and made sure my back was to the door as I bent over to fix my shoelace. Granting Mr. Reardan a fine view and oh I think i forgot my panties. Lured in I push past him and grabbed his tie like a leash and pulled him along. I shove him down on the bed as I raise my skirt up and pull a dildo out and start fucking myself with it. Making him strip and crawl across the bed to me as I giggle. Motioning him to turn around I get his ass right where I want it. I take his tie and loop it up and toss over his head.

Butt Rape Porn Fantasy

Grabbing the tie tight I strangle him as I take his ass cherry against  his will, or was it that SOB fucking shot a load as I pushed in and pulled the tie. I pull out and remove the tie, he’ll be passed out for a bit. I roll him over and see his cock is still hard and decided to take a ride. I suffocated him as I rode his cock to my own pleasure.

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The next guy will not get off so easily.


Ass Rape Porn Shoot: The Seedy Life of a Drug Addicted Soccer Mom

ass rape porn triple penetrationMy fondness for nose candy gets me into some rather painful situations, like ass rape porn shoots. I needed money quick. Blizzards all over the US with extreme temperatures mean I may not be able to get my party supplies as quickly as I want. So, I needed a large sum of money to purchase a quantity that would last me more than a few days. I know this sick underground porn director.  He only does hardcore shit-ass rape porn, snuff, torture, scat, four legged friends… He was making  a film about the butt rape porn fantasy of a soccer mom. I was perfect for this project. I needed the money for cocaine, but my ass paid a mighty price for my addiction.

I was the only female in the movie. There were over 50 male co-stars. All of which violated my asshole on film. The movie began with an innocent soccer mom curious about anal sex. I started masturbating my ass with a dildo, but realized I needed something more, something bigger, something throbbing, so I went to a frat house and begged to be anally gang banged. I would never beg to have my ass tortured repeatedly like that, but guys pay good money to see a suburban housewife and mommy have her ass ruined. When it was just one cock at a time ramming in and out of my ass, I was okay, but when the director started ordering the guys to take my ass two, three, even more  at a time, I was screaming in pain. My ass was bleeding.  In fact it was gaping open so much, the men could get several fists up my ass at once. And they did that and more.  Baseball bats, wine bottles, feet, aerosol cans, rolling pins….anything thick and long they could cram up my ass, they did.

butt rape porn fantasy soccer mom analThe camera caught my screams, my fear, my humiliation. I had to suck my blood and shit off of cocks and foreign objects. I had to take copious amounts of cum. In fact I was forced to shit the cum out of my ass and lick it off the floor like a dirty animal. By the time the movie wrapped, I suffered a complete anal prolapse. My anus was outside my ass instead of inside. I couldn’t sit or wear jeans. Blood covered my thighs, my ass was black and blue, I was so weak I had to crawl to my car. Then I couldn’t sit to drive. But I had $500 cash in my purse, and my dealer was going to meet me at my place. Didn’t matter that my ass was forever ruined.

What kinky, taboo, nasty things would you do to my ass?

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Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Cassandra

rape phone sex fantasies cum whoreDo you have rape phone sex fantasies? If you do, then I have a story for you. I had just got back from the club. It was almost daylight. I lose track of time when partying with my friends. When I entered my apartment, the lights would not come on. “Fuck, I blew a fuse again, ” I thought to myself. I got a candle out and lit it so I could see. I managed to find my way to the bathroom. I was so tired, I would deal with the fuse box in the morning. I held the candle up to the mirror to remove my eye makeup. That’s when I saw him.  A man’s reflection in the mirror. I dropped the candle, screamed, but before I could run, I felt a hand on my neck squeezing me so hard I started choking.

He picked me up with one hand by the throat. Carried me out the bathroom and hurled me against the wall with super human strength. I could feel blood running down my face. He was dressed all in black so I could not see him at all anymore. But I knew he was close. Could hear him breathing. I tried to crawl on the floor. I have a secret compartment under an area rug that I keep my gun. But as I scrambled he followed me. Slammed his foot on my hand, broke two fingers. But the pain of a few cracked fingers was nothing compared to the kick in the gut and face that followed. I was flat on the floor, bleeding, in pain when I felt him on top of me. His big hands pulling my clothes off. He shoved a fist up my pussy as he called me a dirty cock teasing whore. He was pounding my cunt with his huge fist and I was crying. He shined a light in my face. I could feel my makeup all smeared on my face. I had to look awful.

rape phone sex fantasies big titsHe forced my legs up to my chin, then shoved his cock in my ass. He was violating my ass while fisting my cunt. Every time I cried, or yelped he smacked my face hard. I don’t think I knew him. But then he made a comment about bitches like me snubbing guys at the club getting what they deserve. I knew who he was now. This total loser who tried to dance with me. I tried to fake an apology, but it just angered him further. He pulled his cock out of my ass and forced it down my throat. Fucked my mouth so hard I threw up, but was forced to swallow it. Made me lick my ass off his dick and dine on my puke, while he continued to fist me. I could feel my pussy bleeding. I just laid there, trying not to cry or fight for fear he would kill me.

Finally it was over. He had forced his cock in my ass and my mouth. He had beat, slapped, choked and kicked me. He fisted my pussy, broke some fingers and if that was not enough, he pissed on my face as he was leaving. “You bitches are all good for only one thing,” he said, then he spit in my face and left. I just laid until the sun came up. I was broken, bruised, bloody and battered.  Did I get what I deserved for refusing to dance with a total loser? What do you think? What would you have done to me?

Gangbang Rape Porn with Cassandra

gangbang rape porn kidnapped whoreI woke up in some dirty bathroom stall. Not the first time. But this was dank and disgusting. I could smell blood, smell fear, smell death. I tried my cell phone but no reception. Some men burst through the door, duct taped my legs and my hands. Shoved me on my knees and started skull fucking me. Before long it was a gangbang rape porn. Cocks shoved in my ass, cunt and mouth. In fact, cocks shoved so deep in my throat I gagged until I puked. Cocks shoved so far up my ass, I bled. They laughed at me, shoved my face in the puke, made me lick it up.

gangbang rape porn rape fantasyThey shoved my face in a dirty toilet. It was covered in cum and piss, even shit.  Held my head down until I licked it all up. Used my tongue as a toilet brush cleaner. Even tried to drown me in the piss filled water. One guy pulled me back out, held me up by my throat like I was a bug he was about to squash. Threw me against the wall, until I fell to the ground, bloody and bruised. They all started kicking me in the gut and face. I was choking on blood and vomit. I was lying on the dirty floor, with open wounds when they began pissing on me. The sting was awful.  They pissed and shit down my throat. Then duct taped my mouth so I could not spit it out.

rape phone sex fantasies big titsCovered in blood, piss, vomit and shit, they forced themselves on me further. Now I was covered in cum too. I had no idea what was in store for me, until I looked up and saw the source of the death smell. Women duct taped to the wall like some morbid mural.  Blood running out of them, puddles of piss beneath them, dead or barely alive… I was the next wall decoration.

They continued violating all my holes while they took turns punching and kicking me. Someone was filming it all. Every time they punched me, I puked and had to lick it up. I was nothing more than a fuck pig and trash receptacle. Maybe the girls on the wall had it easy…. I prayed for death.

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I’d Rather Be Fifty Shades of Black and Blue

domination phone sex big tits blowjobOne of my girlfriends invited me to a high end BDSM club. They were having a sneak preview of “Fifty Shades of Grey” and women were admitted free. We put on some sexy latex outfits and decided to go meet ourselves a Christian Grey. I knew it would be lame. The club was swank. Not the typical dungeon I am usually in. Unfortunately all my girlfriends think that the BDSM in the novel is representative of all BDSM life. I look at it as vanilla BDSM or BDSM lite.  If my friends knew some of the sick things I have done, they would understand why I call “Fifty Shades of Grey” nothing more than a glorified Harlequin Romance novel. This club was like any other bar on a weekend to me, just with more hot bitches in dog collars and latex than most.

I’ve been cut. Beat to unconsciousness. Mummified. Whipped so hard I required stitches. Been fucked so brutally in my ass that it prolapsed. Been branded. Burned. Bones have been broken. I have been deprived food and water for days. Forced to swallow piss and eat shit. My nipples have been pierced with sharp objects and cut with knives. My cunt lips sowed together. Stoned. My skin has been sliced. I’ve been gang banged. Had buckets of cum dumped on me. Been suspended over flames. Had my face held under water until I passed out and had to be brought back to life with CPR. Been buried alive. Been forced to entertain the farm life. Had parts of my flesh cut from my body to be cooked and eaten.  Countless jagged and sharp objects have fucked my holes until I bled profusely.

Girls like my friends who are obsessed with “Fifty Shades of Grey” make me giggle. They think they are so bad ass cuz they get tied up and spanked a little. The moment a man tries to put them in their place, 6 feet under the ground, they’d be calling the police. I don’t consider it BDSM unless I’m fifty shades of black and blue. Most women have no clue what it means to truly be a slave, a servant, but I do. I’m yours to use.

Ass rape phone sex fantasies with Marley

Journal Entry

Friday February 6th

They let me go outside. We took the dog to the park. The air was so crisp and cold, the sky was such a beautiful blue. I was breathless at how gorgeous it was. And to think, I never appreciated this. I fell to my knees in awe and bowed my head to a Lord whom I thought had forsaken me. I started to thank Him for this wondrous world when I heard a pop. A sharp sting hit the middle of my spine and I turned to find a guy about my age with a BB gun. He was running to me with a maniacal grin. The fear gripped me like a vice and I jumped up and bolted. He was hot on my heels. I was so scared. Fuck fuck fuck. I tripped over a tree root and fell, cracking my head. I heard a laugh and felt a body crumple on top of me. I felt the butt of the BB gun smash the back of my head. I woke up in the backseat of a tiny car with my pants around my ankles, a dick inside my ass and the gun to my head. “If you scream, I will shoot” I laughed “You’ve got a BB gun” He moved it to my throat and pulled the trigger. I screamed as the pain surged through my neck and he shoved his balled up fist in my mouth as he fucked me harder. “I told you not to fucking scream” I whimpered with his fist in my mouth and he spat on me. He laughed and put the gun back up to my temple. He was balls deep in my pussy, his beady little eyes focused on the pain in my eyes. He started fucking me faster, and he paused and scrunched his face as he spread his baby batter deep inside my butt. He grunted and pulled out, a string of jizz oozing from his softening dick. He punched me, and then once more for good measure. He shook his head. “The family is going to be so disappointed in you” He opened the car door and dumped me out. My body ached. He jumped into the driver’s seat and pulled out as my captors surrounded me. They must have asked a thousand questions and I resigned myself to the beating I was going to get when we got home. Well, so much for thanking the Lord.

Rape phone sex fantasies