Ass rape porn is like a daily thing for me. No one fucks me gently. I don’t know what sweet love making means. No one gives me sweet anything. Men treat me like a whore. Women treat me like I am a worthless bimbo. When I was invited to a swank dinner party, I was so happy. I thought perhaps things were changing for me. It started off nice. All the other guests were giving me attention I was not accustomed to receiving. I started feeling woozy. Next thing I knew I woke up tied up and strapped to the dining room table. The guest who had been chatting me up earlier were know standing around me in a circle with evil grins on their faces. Looking hungry. They were talking about my thick thighs and scrumptious ass. One lady started rubbing melted butter all over my skin, while a man rammed a stick up my ass. When the apple went in my mouth, I realized I was the main course of the dinner party. They were fighting over who got to eat what part of me. I tried screaming but I was weak from the drugs and I was gagged with an apple. They carried me out to an open fire and started roasting me like a pig at a luau. Fire made my skin crackle. I was being burned alive like a witch and it was painful. I was afraid; it showed in my eyes, but they just sprinkled me with seasoning and continued to cook me alive over an open frame. I was worthless in life, perhaps I would be worth something in death. I could at least provide some folks with a satisfying meal. Do you have cannibalism phone sex fantasies? I sure do. I want to be your satisfying meal.
Tag: Ass Rape porn
From Ass Rape Porn to Dinner
Gangbang Nightmare Ch.3
The gang stopped feeding me two days ago. The only thing I’ve had in my mouth is dick, cum, and piss. And a few of them like having their assholes licked and these thugs aren’t very clean. The room they keep me in is dirty and dark. I sleep on a sheetless mattress on the floor and every 20 min one of the thugs comes in to fuck me. There’s a horrible stinging pain every time a new dick slides between my cunt lips because they don’t give a fuck if I’m ready. The blood, cum, and shit stained mattress reek so bad it turns my stomach. Tec-9, the head nigga in charge, has the biggest dick. It’s 11 inches long and thick like a Red Bull can. He loves to make me choke on his monster cock. He holds the back of my head and forcefully fucks my mouth until I vomit. And he doesn’t stop fucking my face until he fills my cheeks with jizz. If I’m lucky they’ll let me smoke a few rocks. Being high is my only escape from this hell.
Drugged for a Gangbang Rape Porn
It was a casting call for a gangbang rape porn. I needed coke. I have done worse for less. I figured this would be a cake walk. When I arrived at the warehouse where the movie was being shot, I was ordered to my dressing room to get naked. I was accosted there by a woman with a needle. I told her I don’t do smack. I am strictly a coke and weed girl. “Today you do what we want bitch,” she seethed as the needle pierced my vein. I immediately felt euphoric. Suddenly, I understood why so many folks get hooked on this shit. It is a powerful drug that took me to never never land. When I started to come out of my drug induced haze, I realized I had rope burns on my body from being bound too tight. That was the least of my problems. There was a baseball bat protruding from my ass. I guess I made an ass rape porn too while I was out. Only the handle of the bat was sticking out, which meant I had about a foot of wood up my shit box. No wonder they made me do smack. I started to fight and cry because the pain was hitting me. I felt another needle pierce my flesh. I lost big chunks of time over the course of the day. I apparently lost a pint of blood and some flesh too because when I woke up there was a pool of my blood under my ass. The director paid me my $500 and told me to sit on a raw steak to help heal my prolapsed ass. He wants to use me again because I can take the best anal torture sex he has ever seen. It must have been the heroin. I want some more.
Teaching me a lesson
I learned to be an obedient victim growing up. My mom had married a guy who had become controlling and was intimidating and harsh with me. Well, he was more brutal than anyone I had ever witness in my ankle biter years. I was a curious high school student who got in on a website that plenty of the girls at school were watching. I had raging hormones and was curious. My mom was away at a girls trip and she left me with my new monster stepdad. Lucky me huh? Well the bastard was invading my privacy and was livid he found gangbang rape porn from that site I got from my friends. I tried to explain it wasn’t mine and it was a probably a prank. He didn’t believe me and he was going to teach me a lesson. I begged him please don’t tell my mom. He told me he wasn’t but he was still going to teach me a lesson. He got his cock out and began to fuck my throat. “You want to be a slut Monetta”? I will train you to be mines bitch! I couldn’t believe what was happening. I officially became my stepdads fuck toy ever since.
Bloody Heist
My boyfriend had the perfect robbery planned. He was working as a security for a king pin. Initially I didn’t want anything to do with a heist he was planning with his buddy joey. I knew I had to be the distraction. It was quite simple all I had to do was seduce that fat fucker ad that was too easy. I needed to distract him. I did so in an interesting way. I made pretended I was looking for my boyfriend and went to his bosses house. I wore something cute and came on to him so quick. He was a dead man walking. He really thought I was going to fuck him. It was going to be the other way around. I was going to have some torture sex with him. Meanwhile my boyfriend and joey were cleaning the estate clean. I was using my dildo and all my toys on this short fucker and he was enjoying every minute of it. I put a secret indigent in the cookies I brought to him and it sure made his body stiff in minutes Poor thing didn’t even get to finish fucking me. My boys soon left him bloody dead and broke. 🙂 Such a beautiful scene
Gangbang Nightmare Ch.2
The gang keeps me locked in a room with nothing in it but a bare mattress on the floor. The only light came from a hole in the foil lining the window. I was completely naked with dried cum stains all over my body. Every 20-30 minutes a new gangbanger walks in with an erect cock ready to fuck. It hurt at first when the gangsters fucked me in the ass, but now I hardly flinch. Dried vomit is on my chin and chest because they force their big dicks into my throat too far. When my old man gave me to the gang I fought back by scratching and biting but they always made me regret it. At one point, I was partially blind from two black eyes so I learned to stop fighting. I give them what they want so they’ll cum fast and leave me alone. I’ve learned a special trick with my tongue that makes the thugs come really fast. Sometimes they make me smoke crack to keep me submissive. I haven’t seen real daylight in weeks, it’s like I’m in hell.
I Need Domination Phone Sex
I need domination phone sex. I can be such a bad bitch sometimes. Many men think they have broken me, but I easily unbreak myself. I do and say anything when I am high. If I need a fix, I will let an army of men fist my whore holes. I will call anyone master. I will be anyone’s slave, all just for a line of white powder. Once I am sober, however, I am like screw that, no asshole is putting a collar on me and parading me around like a puppy dog. Granted, I am high most of the time. I am a nasty freak with dark fetishes that come out full force when doing coke. It is not that I don’t want to be a submissive sex slave, it is just that I need to be high 24/7 for that to happen. I have a huge monkey on my back called cocaine, but I need drugs, any drugs, to be a willing slave. Now, some men take that as a challenge to break me when I am sober. So far, no man has ever wanted me when I was straight. I am no fun unless I am altered. Guys I party with think I am a pathetic submissive slut because they only ever see me high. No one wants the sober me, but that is the challenge. It is nothing to break a coke head. We will say and do anything for a fix. The real challenge is breaking a sober bitch. I think if someone can do that, then I will stay broken. Think you have what it takes to make me a submissive slave without drugs? I am a ginger girl. You know what that means, right? I am hellfire on wheels. I dare you to break me sober.
grad face bash
My cute cousin has always tried to one-up me. I was sick of her bullshit and wanted to get even. She couldn’t stop bragging about all the colleges she got in. We had to go to her grad party and brought over my favorite guy to fuck shit up with me. The plan was to fuck her up in front of everyone. Make her look like a joke. I was going make her look like a whore. We spiked her drinks and had her looking like a slut. She was going wild, and her parents told her she needed to calm down they asked my boyfriend and me to get her away. We brought her to a secluded wooded area. We both took turns having fun snuff sex with her. I ended up giving her a special grad gift. I bashed it and broke that nose and left her unconscious. My boyfriend pissed all over her face. We invited some friends over to use her holes too. Maybe she will shut her mouth up and not try to make me feel inferior little brat learned her lesson.
Snuff Phone Sex Fantasies
Snuff phone sex fantasies make me wet. I am a twisted woman. The higher I get, the more fucked up and twisted my thoughts become too. I was doing meth with this dealer the other night. Normally, I am a coke head, but beggars can’t be choosers. He was a dealer, but not a coke dealer. I didn’t have money to pay, just my worn out fuck holes. None of my regular dealers will give me coke anymore, so I tried meth. I got high quicker than ever before. I got fucked up in the head quicker than before too. I started talking about snuff sex and my twisted death fantasies. I was so fucked up, that I didn’t even realize he had restrained me and put a choke collar around my neck. I was blabbering about a torture and rape fantasy and he was preparing me for it. I am unsure when I realized that we were acting out my fantasy. It could have been when he fisted my ass. Or, it might have been when he strung me up to a beam and used me as a punching bag. When the baseball bat cracked over my head and the blood trickled down over my face, I knew for sure we were no longer just talking. I should have been in pain, but I was laughing and begging for more. I guess that was the Meth talking. I woke up the next day looking like death warmed over. I was sore as fuck. I looked like hell, but guess what? My pussy was super wet. I told you I was a nasty fucking freak. I think I like meth more than coke. I didn’t think it was possible for me to go any darker, but one night of Meth proved me wrong.
He Wanted To Be Snuffed
You came to me to film some nasty snuff porn. Only this time you were not asking for sweet young cunts. You wanted to star yourself. I had my dungeon all set up for our film debut. I led you in in a spiked collar and leash. You had on pretty red panties and lipstick. I sat you in front of the camera and I beat you with my whip till you bleed. All the time you were begging me to stop. “Why would I stop beating a worthless loser bitch?’ I asked. I cut off one of your ears and you tried to escape. Suddenly ten big thick bull cocks surrounded us. I made you crawl your sniveling ass over and start gulping cock after cock. I bent you over and asked “Which testicle should I cut off first, Players choice?” You said right so I began to cut your left nut off with my blade. It took a long time as I should have sharpened it more. But it was okay because your mouth was full of thick cock choking you. A few times you turned blue but you still kept gobbling cock like the pitiful excuse of a man you are. I severed the right nut right before your ass rape porn became reality. Your ass was gaped as you bleed out from your ass and lost balls. I gave you my dagger as you lay in semi-shock on the cold hard concrete. I gave you the choice to die with more torture or finish yourself off. Eating this taste wimpy man burger I think you made the right choice. After all getting fucked by those ten big thick cocks makes a girl hungry.