Just a evil little Hellspawn I had babysitter phone sex with once and I had to let her live. She reminded me of me and I just needed to give it a couple of years before I could initiate the little succubus into my way. Oh she is of a tender perfect malleable type and my cunt gets super juicy thinking about her, and thinking about how I needed your cock to pound me as I took her sweet holes with my strap-ons and dildos until she was gaping and bloody. That’s the way I train my subordinates and she will be quite a good specimen. I told her she had something of an evil twin inside and I have a lot of use for young ones like her. I promised she would thank me for the training I’m giving her as it will make her appreciate being the accomplice and accepting her role fully.
Tag: Ass Rape porn
Taboo Phone Sex Whore
When you are a taboo phone sex whore, anything goes. In my real life, men know that if they have what I need, they can get away with murder. What they have that I need is cocaine. I am a suburban housewife with a dirty secret life. None of the normal drug dealers will sell me coke anymore, so I need to frequent the more extreme dealers. The ones that make me work for my fix. No one wants to fuck me in exchange for drugs anymore. My holes are too used up. Nothing is tight on me, not even my ass. That means the only way I can get my coke is humiliating myself and putting on a show for the men in power. Last night, Big E wanted an ass rape porn show, but not with cock. He had a series of huge dildos lined up for me to ass fuck. Each one bigger and more daunting than the other. The first couple weren’t bad, but as I moved down the dildo line, they got thicker and harder. One had Ben Gay on it, so I was fucking it while my asshole burned. My eyes watered, but I plowed through it. The one after that had little shards of broken glass super glued on it, so I tore my ass with every thrust. I was bleeding but I had to keep entertaining Big E and his friends, or I would have ruined my asshole for nothing. The last one was so wide, I felt my asshole rip. I have had some big dick inside me, but nothing as thick as the last dildo. Now, it had no glass on it, but it was lubed up with more Ben Gay. My ass was torn and bleeding now, so the Ben Gay hurt a thousand times more than the first time. My ass was ruined. Prolapsed, torn, bloody and burning like a son of a bitch, but I got my coke.
Smile Through The Pain
Keeping a smile on my face while multiple men either one at a time or in a group abuse me and fuck me hard is something I now have to do. It is something master came up with while teaching one of his classes. They want to see me try as hard as I can to smile while the pain is being inflicted on me. This all started last week. On my first day, I thought I was going to die. The men went in on me hard, they wanted to see me fail and give me a punishment. I did not fail though, even when five men surrounded me, blasting their cocks in every one of my holes while tying a leash around my neck suffocating me, I still kept a smile on my face. I was not going to let these men see me fail. In fact, I did so well when one of the men decided to take a knife and twist it in my asshole causing me to bleed out heavily I decided to moan a little. The amount of blood coming out of my ass was a lot, I was going in and out of consciousness, the men could tell and started to get bored. They knew if they punished me now for my smile starting to fade away from trying not to pass out, they would not have a lot of fun torturing me. The men left, one guy stayed with me to fuck me one last time while I was slumped on the wet grass, the blood made his cock go in real smooth. That is the last thing I remember before passing completely out.
Snuff Porn with My BFF
I was watching snuff porn with a friend of mine last night and she admitted it would be fun to kill a little girl. I never heard her talk like that, and it gave me a lady boner. She knows that I am a phone sex sadistic, but she thinks what I do on the phone is only fantasy. Since she confided in me her murderous desires, I showed her my kill book. It is my scrap book of photos of dead victims and trinkets like locks of hair or fingernails. A sick bitch needs trophies, right? My friend started rubbing her shaved cunt as she talked about us killing her young step sister. The girl is a class A brat. Daddy’s little princess and she is always doing shit to get my friend into trouble. I was happy to be her accomplice to kill that cunt. Her big sister could easily lure her away. I showed my friend some snuff movies I have made with men killing young cunts in violent ways. We masturbated and talked about the ways we could kill her sister. We decided to kidnap her, take her to my kill shack for some torture fun before we sell her into sex slavery. Maybe you want to be the one that gets the used up little cunt for some final fun?
Taboo Phone Sex Victim
As a taboo phone sex victim, I get off on the dirtiest things you can think to do to me. I have my own dark fantasies and they usually involve brutal torture and snuff. Guys always apologize for killing me, but the way I see it, I am a snuff victim. No need to apologize. I want to be your victim. I want to hear all about the nasty creative ways you would kill me. My cunt is wet just thinking about it. I am stress release for men. I can be the bitch you hate, the mom you want to force fuck, the daughter you want to sodomize, or any female you want to do very bad things to. The sicker your mind is, the wetter my cunt gets. I have long had a strong submissive side to me. It began with daddy and it continues today. I love medieval torture sex the best because its wicked violent and gruesome, not to mention painful. Whatever sick and twisted ideas that are in your head, I know I will get wet. And, you will get hard brutalizing my bimbo body.
Torture Sex
Torture sex can be hot. I am a pain slut and I don’t mind a little nipple torture. I get high however, make bad decisions and end up in the hospital. The problem is that when I get super fucked up, I can’t feel much until the next day. The other night I was partying with these out of town business men I picked up in a strip club. The local strip club always has blow. Either the girls have it or the patrons, but it is usually both. These New York Wall Street types were partying in the VIP room and asked me join them. They bought me lap dances and shared their coke. I was having a great time. They wanted me to come back to their suite in the hotel next door. I didn’t think it would turn into a violent gangbang rape porn. They seemed so white collar. Suddenly, I was just a whore to fuck. The tore up my ass and my pussy. They put cigarettes out on my flesh too. I got smacked, punched and fucked. One of them informed me that I could not snort their coke for free all night without giving something back. They passed me around like candy, using me with no condoms, no lube and no care about my well being. I let them have their fun at my expense because I wanted their coke. They had the best blow. The next day, I had a broken nose and several cracked ribs. I only felt it when the coke wore off.
My Therapist
I went to visit my therapist, I have been having flashbacks of being raped when I was younger by a group of men. He seemed nice and I felt like I could trust him. When I arrived he greeted me with a big smile and told me to have a seat. My therapist asked me to relive what happened to me and if I could give him as much detail as possible. I told him everything, how the men grabbed me from behind, taking me into a dark alleyway. They threw me against the wall. One man choked me while the rest of the men started ripping my clothes off. Once I was naked they threw me on the ground and started kicking me. I knew then they all got really turned on by seeing how much pain I was in. The therapist listened to me with a lot of interest. Once I was done telling him what happened he started asking me questions. He wanted to know what I was wearing, was I walking alone late at night in very tight clothes. I started to get confused so I asked him what do these questions have to do with me being gangbanged and raped by four men. That’s when things took a turn. He told me to close my eyes and I did, quickly I felt him right next to me tying me up. He told me I deserved to get raped and he thinks a little slut like me actually enjoyed it. I cannot lie, a part of me did enjoy the whole thing, After he tied my hands down to my side he flipped me around, pulled my skirt up exposing my tight black asshole, and surprisingly wet pussy. He told me I am a naughty fucking black slut who likes to get fucked and abused. I could feel him grabbing my pantyhose and pulling them down my legs. He wrapped them tightly around my neck cutting off all my air supply. Then I felt his thick hard white cock spread my asshole open. He was fucking me hard with no mercy all while pulling on my stockings. I thought he was going to cut my throat, then things started going black. The last thing I remember him saying is nigger bitch I am going to fuck you right into your grave.
Snuff Porn Accomplice
What are your snuff porn fantasies? I know you have them. We all do, just most people won’t admit it. I love being the devil on your shoulder telling you to kill your boss or murder your cheating whore wife. I even go more extreme, telling you to fuck and kill that sweet young girl you have your eye on. Most men would jump at the chance of fucking a young school girl, but their fear gets the best of them. What if she tells? Dead girls tell no lies. You fuck them, I kill them for you. It is the perfect relationship, right? I helped Mr. X kill his neighbor girl. Every damn day, she bounced on her trampoline in the yard in front of his bedroom cock teasing him. She would be in this little white tank top and booty shorts, showing off her sweet little body. One day, Mr. X found me on the dark net and hired me for his accomplice phone sex needs. I snatched the little girl from broad daylight while he had a strong alibi. Later that night, I met him at my kill shack in the woods no one knows about. He made his rape fantasies a reality, enjoying her sweet bald cunt and I killed her. Bonus, you hire me, you get the disposal of the body for free. I have never been caught and I have never had a client regret fucking that super young, super tight pussy. This sadistic devil is tell you to go for it.
Kinky Bondage Phone Sex with Furry Friends
I have always enjoyed bondage phone sex. I am a kinky whore, but sometimes I go to these underground fetish clubs and meet my match. Last night, I was having fun getting tied up and fucked in the ass. I had a blindfold on so I didn’t know who was fucking me. I could tell it was many men sodomizing my puckered asshole. Cocks of various sizes and thickness were going up my booty hole. Then there was a lull. I thought they were done. I had gone through all the men and drained them. That was the case, but the lull was not only so they could rest their dicks for gangbang round two, it was so they could bring in the half-time show. I felt a slimy much smaller dick go in me. I felt hot bad breath on my back. Drool was dripping down my back. It didn’t take long to realize they ushered in man’s best friend to make a kinky ass rape porn with me. He was fucking me furiously. I could hear human giggles. They enjoyed it. I felt so humiliated and used. I had not signed up for a furry fuck. Once the four legged beast nutted in me, they made me shoot out his slimy cum. I had to lick it up from a saucer before they sodomized me for a second time. One of the most humiliating bondage whore experiences of my life.
Gangbang Rape Porn in the Alley
Do you have gangbang rape porn fantasies? Most men do; at least most men do when they see me. For whatever reason, I bring out men’s darker desires. They want to fuck me regardless if I want to be fucked. I went to the liquor store late last night. I was minding my own business when a bunch of men grabbed me and pulled me in the alley. They were waiting for a woman to come by and I was the first one that didn’t look like a crack whore according to them. I pleaded with them not to do what they were about to do because I had a husband and sons waiting at home for me. They didn’t care. In fact, I think they liked the fact that I was a suburban housewife. They didn’t know I was a taboo phone sex whore who has done things most housewives have never considered. I didn’t know what to do. Fighting them might be worse for me, but not fighting them could end up the same way. I half assed fought them. They rammed their cocks in my holes in a cold dark alley like it was something they do every night. I begged them not to cum inside me because I didn’t want to get pregnant. They joked that an old whore like me couldn’t get knocked up anyway as they shot their cum loads inside me. They were laughing at me and joking about going back to my family looking and smelling like a cum dumpster. Little did they know that is not a new look for me.