Tag: Ass Rape porn

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Good Old Boys

rape phone sex fantasies

Do you have rape phone sex fantasies? You would think I do with the stories I have to share. I decided last night was a nice night. The perfect night for a drive. I get cagey feeling staying at home, so a long drive, some good tunes and some primo weed, sounded like just what my doctor would order. I had been in the car for about 100 miles when I realized I needed gas. I was on an old country road, so the first place I saw, I pulled over. It was a little Ma and Pa gas station. I felt like I was in a horror movie. Turns out, I was. Some guy who looked like he was fresh out of the movie Deliverance pumped my gas for me. Full-service gas in 2020? I was flabbergasted, but I let him do his thing. I asked if there was a bathroom and of course it was on the side of the gas station. It looked like a bathroom out of the first Saw movie. As I exited the bathroom of horrors, Bubba and some equally looking redneck friends shoved me back inside. My nice drive in the country turned into a gangbang rape porn. They tied me up and stripped my clothes off. The smell of dirty toilet water made me gag. This was not a place I wanted to be naked in. It killed me to hover over the stained and broken toilet seat to pee. Now, I was sucking redneck dick and getting sodomized by the boys from Deliverance. I swore I heard banjo music even though I was nowhere near a river. I tried fighting. I clearly new I was better than some redneck good old boys from the country. They decided to fuck the attitude out of me. They saw me as a piece of ass, nothing more. The bounced me around until I was covered in so much piss and cum, I fit right into that dingy, gross roadside bathroom. I just can never escape being a taboo phone sex whore.

I Pissed Daddy Off Again

Because I am just that worthless of a little pain slut I went in his room and stole some of daddy’s heroine. It was just that I had to go audition for an Ass rape porn and really knew just what would happen. It was like a bad movie that went into the loop of the same thing over and over. Only this time daddy barged in on the film auditioning and gave it to me good. He pushed past the guys, thrust my collar on me and yanked the chain as I started choking and scolded me. As he was choking me he directed one of the assholes that were doing this film to shove their fucking cock in my whore mouth and shut me up. He pulled off his belt and started cracking it across my tits from the side. He even spanked the dudes balls making him face fuck me harder. Daddy demanded to know if I knew why he was there and so angry. Of course I did I was a useless whore that dipped into his party supplies. I had to pay for it. He brought in his friends large four legged beast to knot up in my ass and fuck me with all of its might. I was getting destroyed by my own daddy just for taking a little bit of his H to numb my pain addiction because I needed to make more money. Now all I did was make a lot of people angry and managed to film a filthy snuff porn that would make the producers way more money. Daddy got his heroine replaced and an 8 ball for my misbehavior. I got a week in the cage and forced to be a pet for the guys filming the movie.

Ass rape porn

Sometimes, I am Lucky to Survive Ass Rape Porn

ass rape pornThis is what I look like after ass rape porn. My ass was destroyed on the weekend. My stepson had some friends over for fireworks. It started to rain midway through their fun and they needed something to entertain them. They were high as fuck and in the mood to destroy something. Since I am just a druggy whore stepmom, he decided they should destroy me. I saw them looking at me like hungry wolves, so I ran. I was not strong enough to fight them off or fast enough to out run them. They tackled me in the backyard. As drunk as they were, I was lucky all they did was use me like a gangbang rape porn star. They took turns sodomizing and fisting my ass. They shoved beer bottles in my ass and pussy too. They would shake the bottles, flip the cap off and shoot the beer off in my holes making me intoxicated quickly. I begged for some coke, but my stepson was not being generous. The rain stopped, and I was grateful. At least I was grateful for 30 minutes until it rained again, and they returned their focus on me. This time, they had fireworks in their hands. Roman candles are what they fucked my ass with, along with some other big looking fireworks. I prayed they just fucked me. If they lit anyone of them, I might die or forever be ruined. I was threatened with lighters. I had to act like I loved being violently sodomized to keep from having my asshole imploded. I gave an academy award winning performance just to avoid being blown up. I begged for all their cocks in my asshole at once. I begged for them to nut in my face. I thanked them for using me. I thanked them for their seed. Either my stepson was in a good mood or they were just too drunk to make a mess out of me. I survived one more day, but with him, I never know what the next day will bring.

Bondage Phone Sex to Break a Bitch


bondage phone sexI am no stranger to bondage phone sex. I am a slave. I am a submissive whore. I am a bitch. I get full of myself sometimes because I work in a high-end gentleman’s club. The men there treat me like a princess. They spoil me with money, attention and gifts. Master likes me working there because of the money I make; however, he hates the attitude I get. He thought I came home the other night a little too high and mighty. He wanted to bring me down a few pegs. That is never good for me. Never. He put a ball gag in my mouth and used leather restraints to bind my hands and feet. He put the biggest butt plug I have ever seen up my ass and told me I could not let it plop out of my ass. It plopped out of my ass. I braced myself because I knew something awful was coming. He disappeared, leaving me bound and gagged on the floor with my ass exposed. When he came back, he had a few huge furry friends with him. He knows how I hate furry fucking. It is so degrading. That is why he did it. He knows what I hate most. Once the furry fiends were done shooting off their slimy red rockets, I had to shit the cum out and eat it. Just when I thought I could not be degraded further. So, I licked the gross cum off the floor like a good slave. He was not done punishing me yet. He was acting like I was a stubborn wild horse that needed broken in. Maybe I did, but I assured him I was a good girl. Not good enough. He brought in an army of men for a gangbang rape porn. He let them sodomize me for hours. They came in me. They pissed on me. They spit on me. And I had to spend the night on the floor covered in filth like a wild animal to remember I am nothing special.


Ass Rape Porn for Coke Money

ass rape pornHe wanted an ass rape porn star. A bitch who would take whatever he put in her ass with a smile. He promised me money for an hour with my ass. I thought to myself, “How much damage could he do to my ass in an hour?” I do not know when I will learn. Honestly, I never learn. Promises of coke or money to get coke always makes me throw caution to the wind. Things started out okay. Him and a friend did lines of coke and double penetrated my asshole. I have had more cocks in my ass at once. Bigger cocks too. I grunted, and grimaced because I wanted them to think it was uncomfortable. Men love it when you act like their cock is the biggest you have ever had in one of your fuck holes. The more coke they did, the more fucked up their thinking got too. One of the guys grabbed a baseball bat and the other one grabbed a wine bottle. Using only their cum as lube, they double penetrated me with objects. Now, I was not faking or pretending anything. I was in pain. I hurt. I was trying to focus on the money I was promised, but this was no longer some hardcore anal porn. It was anal torture sex. They wanted to prolapse my ass. They wanted to gape my ass. They wanted to see me cry. I begged for mercy. I pleaded with them to just nut and let me be. I hurt more than I anticipated. I bled more than I expected too. I thought they were done after they came sodomizing me with objects. Turns out they were having so much fun, they extended another hour. More anal torture with cocks and objects. That last hour seemed like an eternity. Surprisingly, they paid me. Even paid me double what was agreed upon because they doubled their time. I guess it was worth it to have coke money again.

Snuff Porn with a side of Blasphemy

Snuff Porn

Making stuff porn with the priest was my greatest accomplishment. He had quite a nice set up all the poor girls that came to his office confessed their molestation were subject to his deviant nature. Father O’Reilly knew these girls would never tell and as he forced fuck them and made them do unthinkable acts he needed an accomplice. Someone they could trust someone to bring him the most mentally fucked up students. The vulnerable ones who had hard lives I would take every inch of him over and over.father riding the fruit out their confessions and tell them that the only thing that would make them whole again in the eyes of God would be to take his special serum.

The cum out of the end of his cock to make them pure again. Countless hours of video recorded and the ones who can keep a secret they were strangled to death hidden in the forest. To this day bodies of girls scattered, but their face is forever etched in snuff for the insiders of the priesthood to learn and cum too. I enjoyed every second of pain these young things endured as they thought being forced fucked and tortured would be the only way to get to heaven, but the dark ones like me know there is no god and if there is we call him Satan, lord of the deviant minds and sluts that enjoy hurting others like myself.

taboo phone sex

Snuff Porn with Fireworks

snuff pornSnuff porn never gets old. Some folks around my neighborhood release tension with fireworks, I release it with killing people. I have never seen so many stupid rednecks in the world as I have just in the past few months. Social distancing has brought out the stupidity in mankind. Seriously, so many Americans are dumber than a box of rocks. I live near the future Darwin Award winners, but I have a policy I adhere to, so I never get caught. I do not kill where I shit. That meant my dumb fuck neighbors were off limits. Since dumb fucks are not isolated to my neighborhood, I got in my car and traveled. I just followed the sound of fireworks. I found a trailer in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of Deliverance looking mother fuckers drinking moonshine and lighting off illegal fireworks. It was like the Satan led me right to these dumb assholes. I got of the car and asked to join the fun. I do not look like the kind of woman who enjoys redneck fun, but they were too stupid to realize that. I spiked their moonshine and when they passed out, I enjoyed a light show of my own. I stripped the Bubbas naked and I bound their wrists and ankles. I lit off firecrackers near their bodies to wake them up. I wanted them to know that this sadistic phone sex bitch was going to have some fun with their redneck asses. I took the biggest fireworks they had and put one in each of their assholes. They were crying like little bitches and I had not even started the fun. I lit the fuses, backed away and waited for the booms. I exploded each redneck. Killed them dead. Exploded them better than I imagined, LOL. I drove off leaving body parts and innards all over the place like a bomb went off. Happy Fourth of July, Fucktards.

Ball Busting Evil Phone Sex

You see me at the bar looking hot as fuck and you have to buy me a drink. This is only the beginning of your biggest nightmare of evil phone sex fun. I flirt with you, even though you are the most annoying little twerp that surely has a little dick. I let you buy my time with more drinks and your offer to do some bumps. I won’t turn down free drugs and booze. I especially won’t when they are coming from my next victim. I let you think I’m interested. I even let you take me home. You really think your about to get lucky as I kiss you and let you grope at me. You see, I love it best when my victim is excited. I find it way more satisfying to dig my nails into some nice full balls. I just kiss you harder and bite your tongue as you try proclaiming or pull away from me. My knife blade caresses your ballsack flesh and slides up the shaft. Filet my balls is what I call your feeding me drinks and cocaine. It’s a mating ritual made for ass rape porn. As you struggle with your bleeding dick and balls, I am preparing the finale. The video rolls as I’m exposing your ass and on the screen I force you to look at I am behind you about to make you my bitch.

Evil phone sex

Torture Sex Slave Audition


torture sexI answered an ad for a torture sex doll. The guy wanted a model for extreme simulations. They pay was good. Not too good to be questionable. I thought what the hell, give it a try. I could always use some extra money. Plus, I am bored and tired of being stuck at home. I called the number listed and went to the address the guy gave me. It was a professional studio. That gave me a sense of safety. This studio does snuff films and BDSM photo shots. I did not have the job yet. I had to show him my body. He wanted to make sure I had the tits I told him I had. It was sort of a casting couch audition. Not my first, but since the Weinstein scandal hit, I have endured fewer of them. He stood up to check out my tits. He squeezed them so hard, I thought he might burst a saline bag. Suddenly, I was surrounded by men. Maybe my loud, “Ouch” brought them to the room. I had a gut feeling this was the movie. I was making a snuff porn and did not know it yet. The men in the room grabbed my boobs violently. Pulling, slapping, biting and punching them. I fell backwards from the pain, but I was surrounded by so many men, I did not hit the ground. They lifted my sore body up and carried me to a dirty bed in the next room. They ripped my pants off and started penetrating my pussy and ass. The man who I met first started filming it like he was some famous director. My body felt their weight. I felt like my chest was collapsing. They were gang banging me. This was a gangbang rape porn, not some photo shoot like I thought. Guys nutted in me as I screamed not to because I was not on any protection. They did not care. When they had cum all they could, I was left on the floor covered in jizz. The director tossed me a wad of money, which landed in the piles of cum, and thanked me for being a whore. I got what I deserved, I guess.

Gangbang Rape Porn for Nothing

gangbang rape pornHe said if I made a gangbang rape porn for him, I would get a big bag of coke. He lied. I was tied up like a side of beef. Men I had never met were ushered into the room to fuck me. To violate my ass like I was a blowup doll who could not feel pain. I felt everything because he told me I could have no coke until I preformed my whore duties. He owed these guys money. I needed coke. He said he had it, but he did not. He just took advantage of my need to get high. He worked out a deal with these men. He promised them an ass rape porn star in exchange for his debt. He took money from men for coke he never delivered. These men cannot go to the cops, so they threatened to rough him up. Men are desperate to fuck in these times, so he offered me up and they agreed a whore’s ass would settle the debt. I never knew he had no coke until the last man nutted in my swollen, prolapsed ass. I was tied up, covered in cum, piss and shit. I begged for a fix and he just laughed. He said if he had coke to give, I never would have been violated by those strangers in the first place. He blamed me for being a stupid whore. Next time, I get the coke up front. My ass was ruined for nothing and I had to endure the ordeal sober.