Tag: Accomplice phone sex

She should have been smarter

taboo phone sexI found some stupid whore all passed out in this bar I like to go to. She was there alone and wasted as fuck how stupid is that shit? I just dragged her ass out the bar and took her home and she was too drunk to even know who I was or where we were going so it’s her own fault that she ended up tied up and naked in a stranger’s house don’t you think? She was cute tho so I called some of my friends and set up a little gangbang. They paid me and they got to do whatever they wanted to little miss drunky. At first she was too fucked up to resist but as she sobered up she actually tried to fight them off. She was tied up so that was kind of pointless but it was funny to see her try. They fucked her till she was just a sobbing mess covered head to toe in cum. I left her there for the day I’ll hose her off later and the paty will begin again, I wonder how long she will last?

Snuff Sex with a Little Girl

snuff sexHe wanted snuff sex with a little girl. I am the maker of taboo dreams. I know where to go to snatch up little girls. In this age of self-absorption, women are paying more attention to their cell phones than their little girls. That makes it easy for me to snatch a little one up in plain sight. I rushed the little angel to my kill shack before the Amber alert even hit the airwaves. My accomplice was waiting with a hard cock and his dark mind racing with evil thoughts. I shoved the little girl on his hard cock. She let out a loud scream as his dick pierced her little virgin slit. Her virgin blood was lube for his big dick. He was splitting her in two and it was fucking hot. The more she screamed, the harder he fucked her. I tortured her little nips and clit, making her cry more. We all knew she was not surviving this. She even knew it. She started saying a prayer to God. I smacked her across her face. God wasn’t helping her survive. No one was. My accomplice fucked her ass, ruined it. He skull fucked her with his bloody, shitty dick and when he came, I snapped her neck like a chicken. He fucked her dead body and came again.

Blair fucked up

taboo phone sexOh Blair,Blair, Blair, did you really think that your dried up old cooze would take my man away from me? Look at you and then look at me there really is no comparison at all. I am young and sexy and wicked and you… well you are just old and worthless subbing yourself out to any man that would pay you. Did you really think that a man like mine would give up this perfection to go to you?? He was just stringing you along so that we could get you down here in my basement to torture your dumb ass to death. How do those ropes feel? Nice and tight I hope. I love seeing you all tied up like this, struggling to breathe begging for your life. It must be so terrifying for you. That’s the part I like best, seeing you afraid, watching you suffer, knowing that you are going to die today. It could be worse, at least I allowed you to have one final orgasm before I snuffed your life out, honestly it was more than you deserved. Women like you never learn that you should never try to take something that doesn’t belong to you and that’s why you had to die.

accomplice phone sex

Two Victim Whores and a Sadistic

rape phone sex fantasies

I rule the night with your rape fantasies phone sex whores. I have these fucking hot blondes who need a lesson on being ripped apart by thick meaty cock’s suck as yours. Chelsea is your seductive street coke out slut prostitute that reminds you of your mother. You just want to bash her head in, and fucking make her pay for not giving you her pussy when you were growing up. She is the hit big titted victim you fantasize about when your fucking your wife and thinking about how it would be to have your mother-daughter and wife all snuffed out by your hands.

snuff pornSpeaking of daughters… Look at this little snuff porn whore. She has been getting cocks hard since she was just a brat. That smooth body and her tits that have grown so huge for you daddy. We don’t want her telling anyone that you have been stuffing her full of daddy cum since she started growing those beautiful tits. Stephanie is perfect for a Red Room Session. I wonder what kinds of things you would pay to have done to her daddy. Split her open and ravage her sweet baby girl pussy.

And I know you are needing the hot deviant slut accomplice of them all to fuel your sadistic phone sex. A tight body with perky little tits that would love to slice those big titties right off as you fuck both of them senseless. The things I will do to those hot bodies for you… Your cock has ruptured both of their asses and now its time for even more swinging dicks to fuck lifeless whores, over and over! I will dispose of them for you ground up and fed at the family picnic and you can jack off knowing your whores being digested and shit out! So, my question would be wanta play???sadistic phone sex

Murder and mayhem excite me

taboo phone sexMurder and mayhem turn me on, seeing the bloody bodies and all that carnage just gets me wet as fuck. So when I had the opportunity to grab a gun and go shoot a bunch of people I was very excited! I went to this resort where they made any fantasy come true for you so they gathered up a room full of people and let me go in there and shoot them till I had killed them all. We’re talking hundreds of people all in one room just like shooting fish in a barrel, they had no chance to escape at all! It was almost too easy but still really fun. After they were all dead or dying I found a sexy stud to come fuck me in there where we would get all covered in blood. We fucked all over the victims, we even fucked some of the almost dead people too it was so fucking hot! Best day ever as far as I’m concerned.

Snuff Accomplice Needs Cock!

accomplice phone sex

They are right here in the basement. Little fuck tots are beaten already and naked for your cock. You want to snuff them all out after they are brutally forced to take your cock and my fist in tiny assholes. They are so pretty, and such lost souls aren’t they darling? Let me back my ass up for that dick as I rip arms and legs off and slit tiny throats for you. Let me bathe in the blood of unwanted fuck brats and get fucked by that big fat cock. I am a sadistic fucking whore who needs blood and torture to get my pussy wet. I am the kidnapping and torture goth teen who needs a fucking evil cock like yours tonight.

Snuff Sex Fever

snuff sexSnuff sex was on my mind late last night. I had an itch that needed scratched. I got out of bed, got dressed and went cruising for a victim. It was around 2 am, which meant plenty of drunk bitches and bastards around. They make the best victims. I was in the mood for a drunk bitch. The city was full of them too. Drunk coeds in short skirts and high heels stumbling all over the sidewalks. I found one alone and snatched her up. She was easy prey too. She thought I was an Uber. I put her in the back of the car and thought if only you were with me. You could have added a dark sexual component to the kill. I took her to the lake. I have a kill shack there no one knows about. Only hunters go there or people like me who want to do bad things and never get caught. She passed out in the back of my car making it easier for me. But I like the thrill of the kill. I tied her up on a dirty disposable mattress and waited for her to wake up. I wanted her to know I was going make her a snuff porn star. I fucked her cunt with a knife. Stabbed her whore pussy, killing her from the inside out. The more she fought, the wetter my cunt got. I sexually mutilated her body and tossed her to the coyotes. I burned the mattress in the fire pit. No one will miss another drunk coed skank. Next time just promise me, you will join the fun.

Accomplice Phone Sex Partner

accomplice phone sexHe told me I was his accomplice phone sex partner this time. That was a first. I have always been his fuck slave or punching bag. I have never helped him victimize someone else before. It would be nice change of pace. At least I thought so until I knew what he had planned. I had to kidnap a little girl. A very young one too. I am not talking about some hot teen slut who knows her way around a cock. I am talking about a tiny tot with tight pink holes. I know better than to say no to him. No will get me dead. It was her or me. I lured her away to the van. We drove her to a no tell motel. She was passed out from a special cocktail I gave her. He wanted me to prep her for him. So, I did. I fingered her tiny holes and licked them too. She tasted sweet. So very sweet. I felt guilty for enjoying myself. She was crying for her mommy and daddy. I knew she would be dead soon. He would fuck her then kill her.  But it wasn’t me who would be dead for once.

Killer of Tortured Souls For Cock Cream

killer phone sex

Yes, I do a service, Little souls that are already tortured by life deserve a purpose. Just so happens to be that I need to be getting your cock cream by killing them and making it last a little while. The older they are the more pain they can endure.  The little ones are good for a good ass and pussy tear and then they are gone… too much blood and no more screams. The older street whores can take much more pain. They last longer for the dismemberment.  Blank faces as they already are meeting the maker of souls.  I do love to sacrifice them for me who have all the power in the world. Men who run dark underground things. I have been right there when virgin sacrifices happen. It is not my fault that I have three homeless littles waiting in the blood moon… Hell, every full moon is the blood moon. Pop a littles cunt, ass and mouth and destroy her or him, with me. Let that cock cream free!

To Death

Evil phone sex

At night people pray for the Lord to take their souls if they were to die before they wake. While I pray to death to come and collect. However I don’t want to be a sleep I want the grim reaper to send his most wicked accomplice to do his bidding. I pray for someone evil and lustful to torture, me all night long and when the morning light comes he leaves me for dead. I want the last thing I see before fading into the dark nothingness of death’s embrace to be the reaper himself with his skeletal smile. With my last bit of strength and last breaths I will tell him “Thank you” as my end approaches. Are you the reapers vile accomplice?