When you are a taboo phone sex slut, guys come to you for all sorts of things, even very rare fetishes. Some of my masters have some strange fetishes too. My current master is into pyschrophilia. I had too Google it when he told me he wanted me to help him with his fetish. Do you know what it is? It is getting your dick hard or your pussy wet seeing folks extremely cold. My guess is it is somehow linked to necrophilia. I mean if you are getting a boner from a girl freezing in the snow, maybe you want to fuck a corpse? Master wanted me to find him a hot young thing for his fetish. I know his type. Young, dumb and blonde. I found a mini me that fit his type at the mall. The mall is a cesspool for young, dumb blonde girls. Stacy was her name. It was up to me to lure her, so I needed a good story. I told her I was a scout for a sporting store mogul who needed a fresh-faced girl to model outdoor apparel. She bought it hook, line and sinker. Snuff porn was her true job. Master was very happy with my selection. We did some test shoots and the camera loved her. I spiked her drink, so she would comply easily. Either the drink worked super quickly, or she was just a slut. Regardless, she was naked outside in the snow faster than either of us expected. She was wearing a scarf and a hat and boots. The colder she got, the harder my master’s dick got. I could see his boner in his pants getting stiffer the bluer her skin got. She didn’t realize she was hired for a snuff. Master left her chained naked in the snow all night. We watched her slowly die of hypothermia. She looked like Jack Nicholson at the end of The Shining, only sexier. Master fucked her dead frozen body. He likes sex with dead bodies and pyschrophilia. I am just his subby accomplice. I bring him girls to murder however he wants.