Super Bowl Massacre

goth teen phone sexFootball. Football. I am so fucking sick of the Super Bowl already. Seems like all it does is take the attention away from a Goth Goddess like me. I don’t like being ignored. It brings out my ugly side and you know what happens when my mood is bad.
So, I was thinking about this boring game of chasing a ball. I think I’ll have my own Super Bowl. My game is so much more interesting. I’ll drug and kidnap some sports fans. Bring them out to my personal “field.” “Let’s play a game.” I’ll say. There are no teams. It’s every man for himself. The object is to grab the skull I throw out and make the goal. That’s “fantasy football.” The one who gets sacked is my next victim. I get to tie him to the goalpost while the others watch. I strip him naked. A quick punt to the nutsac leaves him puking. He will hang there, writhing in fear while the game continues.

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The men are scared now, fearing for their lives. It has become a bloodsport and they all want to live. You can smell the testosterone in the air along with the fear. They tear into each other with animal aggression. Using tooth and nail, they fight for the prize, battering each other, stomping on heads and ripping out throats. The blood is flowing into the grass now, making it slick in spots. I tie several more victims to the goal post. Oh, we are gonna have such an interesting halftime show.
It’s halftime and I can hear the moans of the battered men. Hanging limply, most of them need to be put out of their misery. I slit the first one’s throat like a pig. The second one is dead meat with an eye bulging from its socket. Two others are still alive. Time for the show!!! I kick the fat one right in the nuts like I’m going for the extra point after the touchdown. His scrotum explodes with the force, spilling testes and fuckjuice on the ground. My pussy convulses with pleasure. First down, woo-hoo. The second one is quicker and intercepts my pointed boot. I drive again but fumble. He is quick and smart. His defense is a head butt to my face which leaves me bleeding. I lick the blood from my busted lip and he smiles at me. I’ve found my accomplice and MVP. Touchdown!!!
“Hey, you wanna help me go pick up a cheerleader for some post-game fun?” His dark eyes give me my answer. And so we continue to the 3rd Quarter……

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    • Carl L. on February 15, 2016 at 9:27 pm
    • Reply

    You are one evil bitch. I think I love you. lets talk soon.

    • Steven on February 15, 2016 at 9:53 pm
    • Reply

    I wish I was your victim!!

    • Ken on February 16, 2016 at 5:18 pm
    • Reply

    I’ll be your accomplice!

    • Frank D on February 16, 2016 at 7:04 pm
    • Reply

    Please kill me goddess.

    • James on February 17, 2016 at 4:07 am
    • Reply

    You are so sick. It turns me on.

    • Carlito on February 18, 2016 at 2:15 am
    • Reply

    Damn hottie, you are one scary bitch!

    • Billy on February 19, 2016 at 11:04 pm
    • Reply


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