Do you have strangulation fantasies? I do. I made the mistake, however, of telling the wrong guy that I am into erotic asphyxiation. I find it hot to be choked while climaxing. It is a fetish of mine. I can usually do it to myself with a silk scarf or a tie. My father did it to me when I was a young girl. When he would sneak into my bed, he would put his tie around my neck while he forced his cock in my cunt or my ass. I did not enjoy it then, but obviously somewhere, I reconciled with my violent upbringing. You would think that after all the pain I endured and the ass rape porn my father forced me to make, I would shy away from violent men. Today, however, violent men are all I seem to meet. Davis seemed like a normal guy when I met him on Tinder. We got to drinking one night and we shared our deep dark fantasies. I showed him the bruising around my neck and explained my fetish for erotic asphyxiation. Before he could share his dark fetish with me, he was on top of me. He managed to remove his belt and put it around my neck. He was stronger than me. As I tried to wiggle loose, he pulled his belt so tight that I lost consciousness. That was his dark fetish, I guess. He was wanted to choke a woman out. And he did. Me. He choked me to unconsciousness many times. The last time, I woke up with his cock in my ass as he was using smelling salts to jolt me back awake. I should never share my dark taboo phone sex fantasies. Even the most normal appearing men like Davis cannot resist abusing a bimbo like me.