Strangulation phone sex anyone? Sometimes it is the best way to shut a stupid whore up. I was drugged up Saturday night. My usual party ways. I ran out of coke, so I called my step son. He always has some extra. I was cash poor, but confident we could work out a trade. When he arrived, he had several friends with him. The moment I started to speak, his hands throttled my throat. He squeezed hard. In fact, he lifted me up in the air with his one hand and tossed me against the wall with super human strength. He was on PCP again. That shit I won’t mess with. He scares the shit out of me when he is on that stuff too. He beat me once, while jacked up on that stuff, within an inch of my life. I was in the hospital for a week. I was already regretting my call to him. As I laid curled up in a ball on the floor, his pals swarmed me like a pack of hungry wolves. They beat me with their cocks while kicking and punching me too. “Beg for your coke, whore,” my stepson screamed at me. When I started to plead for mercy, several hands went around my throat, cutting off my breathing. I could feel my windpipe crushing and blood started to well up in my lungs. I passed out only to be brutally awoke with fists up my ass and cocks rammed down my throat. This was too much for some coke. I told them to forget it, pleaded that they just leave, but that just made things worse. They throat squeezed me until vessels popped on my temple and my eyes turned blood red. Sprawled out on the floor, barely conscious, they came on me. Not before my step son kicked me in the face and tossed me a little bump. “Enjoy your coke you dirty whore,” was the last thing I heard before I passed out.