I know an old farmer lives out in the sticks at the end of a dirt road. No one ever goes out there unless they have a reason and if you happen to loose your way and end up out there uninvited and unannounced you won’t be leaving. We often get together and drink his shine while talking about how he offs the fuckers that end up at his place. He with his dick in his hand drooling over the thrill of the kill and me with a pussy full of fingers imagining each detail as he shares his stories. Sometimes if they are just the right age. Not to boney, not to fatty, they look healthy and he thinks they might be my kind of meat, he will butcher them for me and call me to come pick up the meat. He knows just what to check for, he makes sure they look well maintained, good set of teeth, clean and no evidence of drug use. He called me this morning for the one that came wondering up last night. We are going to finish butchering her after we are done with the shine and cumming as he tells me all about this, his latest kill. When I get her home my freezer will be stocked full for the winter but I am sure I will be back soon to sit and pass the time with my old solitary friend.