Snuff sex tweaker

Snuff sexMaster insults me and degrades me non-stop for being such a filthy and tweaked out druggie whore. I can’t help myself though, it makes me enjoy the pain and humiliation so much better while having snuff sex. The more fucked up I can get, the better. Master loves to see just how much I can take and just how much I can handle. He delivers his low blows with a smile on his face each and every time. My Mommy and her big fake tits taught me at a young age how to do lines of blow off of rock hard dicks and then suck them down my throat after I do. The more sloppy and wet, the prouder my Mommy was of me. That’s why Master purchased me, he knew that I had an entire upbringing that has been dedicated to being a sexual snuff deviant!

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