Snuff Sex in the Club

snuff sex

Snuff sex is not what I was expecting. I was expecting bondage. It was an underground bondage club. That was what the ad said when it was announcing its big grand opening. The ad specially called for bondage whores  to come and explore their underground world. Submissive whores like me soon discovered the ads were just a rouse to lure prey there. I fell for it too. I was not the only one. I was in a room, suspended from an overhead beam when a man in an executioner’s mask walked in. I thought it was role play; master and servant kind of games. After I blew him, I found out bondage was the furthest thing from his mind. He pulled out a very menacing serrated blade. He made sure to tell me in graphic detail about all the pigs he has gutted with that blade. I was quivering. His voice was sinister. The look in his eyes told me that this was no role play game to him. I was right. He cut off my right nipple, then my left one. I was forced to chew on my own whore nipples. The torture sex did not stop there. Next up was both breasts. He cut them off like he was cutting of a chicken thigh to eat. I passed out from the pain and shock of seeing my own blood and flesh pooling beneath me. How dare I pass out. He punched me in the face, breaking my nose and jolting me awake. He skinned me alive. Tore the flesh off my body, slowly and deliberately to torture me. I heard screams and cries from all over. I knew this was no bondage club. This was one big snuff porn shoot, only it was not fake. I was not getting out of this club unless it was in a body bag.

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