When you have a twisted and warped mind, the most innocent things give you the most wicked ideas. There is no fighting the urges within. When the thought enters your head, your nipples stand at attention and your cunt begins to produce juices that soak your little black panties, you know that you must live this out. Watching a show about science and seeing the experiment showing what falls faster, a bowling ball or a feather made me want to do my own gravity experiment. What falls faster a dead body that isn’t fighting or a live one that is kicking and screaming? So what do I need for my experiment? Two bodies of course, a building or a balcony to throw them off of and a stop watch to time it. All in the name of science….I got my two bodies and I took them to the abandoned warehouse that I often use along with a stop watch and a plan. My hypothesis is that the dead body will fall faster because it is dead weight. Now to test this out and see. I know that both of my bodies weigh about the same, I don’t want to make the dead body weigh less, so suffocation or strangulation will have to be the method I use to snuff one of them. With them both tied up I play eeny meeny miny moe. Laying the looser on the cold hard concrete I cover her face with a clear plastic bag and hold it tight around her neck. While she kicks and flails under my naked cunt, the movement and excitement coupled with the sobbing coming from my other body, makes me cum hard. Now that she has stopped moving I lick my cum off her dead body before grabbing my stop watch and dragging her body to the edge of the balcony. Pushing her over and hitting the button I watch her fall and can’t help cumming again as her body hits and her skull pops open with a popping sound splattering brains on the floor below. Ahh this is so much fun. Now time for the second one. As I get closer to her she is shaking with fear and I just smile. I drag her up by her hair, stand her in front of me with a knife in one had and my stop watch in the other. I slice the restraints on her wrists, shove her and hit the button. Watching her fall kicking and screaming. Unfortunately she doesn’t hit the ground the same way and all though the way her body is twisted and mangled and the sound of her breaking bones makes me cum, her skull isn’t popped open. What a shame. And I am wrong, they fall at the same rate. I love fucking gravity!