Snuff sex Christmas is here. I was a naughty elf last night. I had a long list of naughty folks that I had to kill. I have been the cause of much murder mayhem over the years, but no one ever links them to me. Why? Because there is no link. I have no connection with my victims. Just random acts of violence against bad people who have a long list of enemies. Bitches, whores, and dickheads. The world is a better place without them. I went to the home of this fat cat money man last night. He stole from the poor to get rich. His wife hid the money while he was in prison and they are living high on the hog again at others expense. Two counties over and he has lots of enemies. I broke in and killed him and his wife. I castrated his cock and his balls; I just took the entire goods. I made his wife suck his severed dick as he was crying like a bitch and bleeding all over the shag carpeting. They had a ton of presents for their devil’s spawn and their devil’s spawn. I wiped the blood splatter off the gifts and re-gifted at a local orphanage. I guess I was Robin Hood last night. I killed the rich, stole from them and gave their gifts to poor little ones who still believe in Santa Claus. Merry Christmas you filthy animals.