Snuff sex

snuff sex


I knew something was slightly off about the ad I found online. They were looking for a bitch to play a babysitter in some cheesy porn video. I figured it would be something lame about a babysitter getting fucked by the dad after watching his kids or something. I had no idea that I was actually about to become the victim of a wild snuff sex video. As soon as I got inside, I was snatched up by my hair and dragged around to the bed. The man blindfolded me and tied me to the bed. I was told not to scream or cry but I couldn’t help it. I cried and begged him to let me go. I would do anything he wanted. I couldn’t see anything but could feel the sharp, burning pain as he stuck a knife deep into my stomach and started to rip my skin open with it. I struggled against him but couldn’t do much, as I was still tied to the bed. I felt him shove his cock into my pussy and force fuck me as he stuck his hand into the hole in my stomach and started to rip me open with his bare hands. I tried to scream but as soon as I opened my mouth, I felt the same stinging pain as he slit my throat. I was being ripped and sliced open as I was being fucked. I could hear him breathing and knew he was about to cum. I was terrified because I knew as soon as he was finished with me, he would snuff me out and dispose of me like I was nothing. I felt him pump his hot sticky load deep into my pussy and almost immediately, felt the knife on my throat again. This time he cut deep enough to end me.


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