Snuff Porn Makes Me Wet Like It Makes Your Hard

snuff pornSnuff porn gets me wet just like it gets you hard. And I love to watch a little snuff flick as foreplay. Turns me on to see some other blonde bimbo get gang banged, ass fucked and tortured.  Used to be me. Not so much anymore. I morphed into the accomplice role. One of my newest lovers wants me to help train his niece to be a fuck slut. Get this. I had no clue she’d been missing for over a year. He kidnapped her and made it look like she ran away. And she’s been living in a bunker under his house.

When he told me that, I was not sure if I should fear him or fuck him. Seriously, he had a more devious mind than I ever thought. This young girl appears to be the age where she is not quite a girl anymore, however, she is not quite a woman yet. The kind of girl men pay good money to explore their rape phone sex fantasies with. Honestly, this new lover’s mind might be as devious as my last master.

Let Me Be Your Accomplice Partner

I soon discovered he sought me out to date just so I could play house with him and his kidnapped niece. He fucked her already. I mean how could he hold off. She’s been in his dungeon for over a year now. We went down to see her. She looked well cared for. No visible marks, well feed and clean too. However, she did look scared. I would be too if I was in her shoes. Her cage appeared bigger than a jail cell. She could move around. He gave her a toilet, TV and refrigerator. She looked better cared for than my father cared for me.

I went into the cage and ate her pussy. His idea. Get her warmed up to me. I do not think he plans on ever killing her. But I told him he might have to eventually. She will age out for him like all teen rape porn stars do eventually. But in the meantime, I get to help train her to be the best little whore she can be. Our journey has just begun. I can make a lot of a snuff flicks with them. What would you do with a sweet young thing in your basement?

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