Snuff porn Is better with Lots of cutting and screamin! My little teen pussy gets off so much better when blades rip through skin causing major blood splatter! Being a dark and deviant little bitch means that I have a weird addiction a seeing blood on the screen. But it’s even more so that I want the knife pushing into the body to be me! I know can you see my little tiny body with my little makeup titties just taking up with your knife and stabbing someone you know or even yourself over and over again. Watch the blood sweater my body as my little victim or my big man victim screams and begs for their life. I was going to be quite the scene and I have some big daddies who invested in the best camera equipment so I can go and grab a victim and make a movie!
Snuff porn Is better with Lots of cutting and screamin!
That is why I love Knife play phone sex for all the bloody cuts draining blood out all over me! Oh yes I do want that plot to be all about the bloodiest knife fucking seen you’ve ever have seen. I would take someone’s life and to watch their eyes go from clear bright to scared and knowing that they’re going to die all the way to the glassy death stare! It really is quite something to know that I will that much power to take someone’s life in them just with a blade I want to step you in a heart I want to stab your girlfriend I want to stab your daughter in a heart and in the face! Blood and gore and stab the guts! Cut the pussy and cut your dick off all the things in between!