Snuff porn auditions are back on. I have been busy trying to get a gig again. I make bank doing extreme videos and photo shoots. Past year and a half I lost my fetish modeling and strip club money. I have had to moonlight as an anything goes escort to make ends meet. I am too old to be the cute young coed GFE. I am not a mommy, so I cannot be the motherly escort either. That leaves me as the submissive whore who lets men do whatever they want. That has become dangerous for me. I was with a guy last week who I thought was a snuff director. I answered an ad and I verified that the number he called from was a legit porn studio specializing in taboo fantasies. Seemed on the up and up until it no longer did. When I arrived, there were no stages ready. I saw no staff like key grips or lightening guys. No make-up artists or assistants. No one but the one guy. I swallowed hard knowing I should run. My gut feeling was off and my gut is usually right. I did not listen to that voice that said run. I heard a voice, then I was charged and pushed into a room. The room was a slave’s dungeon. It smelled like death. I used my cell phone for light and saw blood splatter on the walls. I saw all sorts of BDSM equipment covered in blood too. I was not sure if this was some sort of experiment to get a real scare from the star of a snuff sex film, or if this was real. A man entered the room with an executioner’s mask on and beat me up. Whipped me with a leather belt until I was bleeding. While I was on the ground pleading for my life, he took pictures of me. He wanted to capture my fear. When he locked me in the room, I escaped through a window. I am double jointed. If I was not, I would still be in that room awaiting my death.