I don’t just watch snuff porn. I make it. I had fun recently making a cannibalism snuff film. Yeah, that is a thing. Lots of men fantasize about eating the flesh of sexy young women. Well, sometimes women fantasize about spit roasting men over an open flame until he is a nice golden brown. Spit roasting means two things: it is a gay term when a fag gets fucked in the ass and mouth at same time. In my dark world, however, it means barbecue. I invited some sexy female pals over the other night for my first official BBQ of the season. The main course was a pig from New York City. An investment banker who defrauded several of my good friends out of a lot of money with some bogus investment scheme. Stupid as fuck. He came over thinking I wanted to invest too. Greed was the death of him. I thought my friends might really enjoy having him for dinner; literally having him for dinner. When they arrived, he was naked with a spear through his ass and mouth, tied up over the fire pit. He was doused in a butter garlic sauce with some onions and potatoes adorning his body. You don’t fuck with my friends and get away with it. He got a piece of each of them when he stole their retirement funds, so I decided they should have a piece of him, inside of them. No one was shocked by the lengths I had gone for revenge. All girls secretly want a sick bitch friend like me. I started the cooking process. The flame was perfect. Our dinner browned evenly. He smelled delicious. He was going to feed us for weeks. Once he was thoroughly cooked, I cut of some rump off for us, but the main meal was his cock and balls. Way better than Rocky Mountain oysters. We drank wine, laughed over the fact that his final act was a good deed-feeding a group of friends. My first BBQ of the season was a success. Now, I just need to decided who my next pig to roast will be. Maybe, it will be you.
I have imaginef a woman as you eaing me. I imagine you taunting me how I will be soon butchered and eaten and you make me watch you shit on a toilet telling me that will be me
Sounds exciting, though I’d be ashamed to be seen in my naked testicles and…oh my, with the spear through my ass? I think it hurts, too. Ohhh