Snuff porn is where the money is at these days. I think it always has been a money-making industry. It is how washed-up whores make a living. It is rough on the body and the mind, but money is money. When I was in my 20s, I still looked fresh faced and hot enough to get regular porn shoots and videos. That is not the case anymore. I am lucky if I can get a fetish shoot anymore. I was desperate for some cash. I got way behind in rent because the strip club was closed for over a year and when it opened back up, it was only at half capacity. I was going to be evicted if I did not come up with a couple grand. So, I went to this studio that makes very dark and violent snuff movies. It is an underground company. Some girls survive and some do not. It is a gamble I was willing to take. The studio liked my blonde, Botoxed, bimbo look. I have become addicted to Botox over the past few years to try to compete with the younger girls. I got the gig.
When I arrived at the warehouse they were filming, I discovered there was no movie. They were posing as a legit snuff outfit, but they were just brokers. They hire girls for men with dark fantasies. Sort of like in that movie Hostel. This guy strung me up by the rafters and assaulted my body. He used me like a punching bag. So much aggression towards women. He was an Incel. Do you know what that is? It is a group of men on the dark net that hate women. They think we owe them something. They are nerdy losers who cannot get women and they think we should be punished for ignoring them. This loser was very hostile. I was a Stacy in his eyes which is an attractive woman who is way out of his league. He beat me to a pulp. My face was swelling. I could barely see him. He explored his rape phone sex fantasies too. I survived but barely. I have broken ribs. I am black and blue. But I got the money to catch up on the rent. A girl must do what a girl must do.