I had a snuff porn audition this week. I needed the money. I have been trying to get more accomplice gigs, but the rent was due, and I was behind already. I needed a couple grand, and I needed it quickly. The snuff industry pays well. Well, maybe not well for what you must endure, but it is decent enough pay. And the money is cash under the table. Instant money. The director seemed to think I was perfect for whatever it was he had in mind. He told me it was a horror snuff film. I love horror flicks. I always wanted to be a scream queen, and this was my chance. I let out some blood curdling screams and got the part. I would be the star of his next snuff sex porn. It was violent and gory. Just up my ally too. I assumed it would be all simulated like most snuff flicks, but apparently the reason the money was so good is because it was a realistic snuff film.
It was a Little Red Riding Hood theme. They dressed me up just like her with a basket and everything. What I was not prepared for, however, was a man with daggers for fingernails and sharp teeth to jump me. Most snuff flicks are unscripted for a better sense of reality. I was in the fight for my life. The guy’s wolf costume was so realistic and the teeth and fingernails so real too and oh so sharp. When he attacked me, I bled. He sliced my skin. I got so scared. Was I going to die? I love a hot roleplay phone sex call, but then this was not so much roleplay as it was snuff. I ran for my life when I realized whoever this was in a wolf outfit meant me real harm. And he did. I was bleeding from several gashes in my arms and face. I was so scared; I ran right out of the studio and never got my money. I do not think I would have survived if I had stayed anyway.