When you are a snuff porn actress, you have a deviant mind. I had this idea for some fast cash to pay the rent. I would auction myself off to the highest bidder on the dark web. I hid my IP address. I set up a Venmo account and told the viewers I had a death wish. I rambled about what a worthless whore I was and that I wanted to die a violent and gruesome death. I let men bid for the pleasure of killing me. I even let them pay for me to cut myself and do other things that would mutilate my body. I thought I hid my IP well enough not to be found. It was bogus. I just wanted to steal money from wealthy sickos. My plan backfired. Mr. X showed up at my place last night intent on collecting his package. That package was me. I tried to tell him I would give the money back. I had not spent all of it yet. He didn’t want his money. He wanted his snuff sex slave. He tied me up to my bed. Next to my bed, on my side table, he laid out a some scary instruments. This dude was seriously going to get what he paid for. He started by pulling out my teeth. When he started to drill with no numbing meds, I screamed bloody murder. He was a sadist and I was his victim. Mr. X was some computer genius who traced me even through a hidden IP address. He ruined my mouth. Pulled out most of my teeth, left holes in the rest. My mouth was bloody. I was sick from the pain and swallowing blood. I begged him to kill me. He made me ugly, so very ugly. I didn’t want to live. He carved an X on my forehead as a reminder that I am just a dumb whore and cannot outsmart anyone. Now, I really want to die.