Snuff Movies and Chill? Well, How About Just the Snuff Flicks

snuff moviesIt’s getting to be snuff movies and cuddling season. Although, I never cuddle, LOL. I’ve killed men for even trying. If you know anything about me, you know I do not cuddle. And I do zero romance. No baby talk or pet names either. Fall means death to me. But then all seasons do. However, Fall includes Halloween. And that means 30 days until Killtober.

I started a little early this year. Perhaps, it is me. Or maybe they just make more idiots every year. I’ll admit, my tolerance for stupidity seems to be even lower than my tolerance for pet names and romance.  When I met Dave at my coffee shop, he seemed to be a Goth boy. So, when we started talking, I thought maybe I met a guy I could just snuff porn and chill with. He seemed every bit as dark as me.

We have talked every morning almost for a few months now. So, when he asked if I wanted to hang, I agreed. But I had my radar on. I had him come to my place, so I had the hometown advantage if things went awry. And they did sadly.  I never take pride in killing other Goths. But a sadistic bitch must do what a sadistic bitch does. And that’s kill and castrate. Most of my victims appear to be just normal, white boy tools. So, I did not expect my Goth boy server to pounce on me.

I Love Killtober Season

Maybe he pretended to be Goth. Who knows. He dead and worm feed now. We sat on the couch, and he put his arm around me. So, I schooled him on my rules. No romance. No cuddling. And no pet names or baby talk. He pushed me down on my couch and attempted to rip my clothes off. But I am always strapped with a knife for this very reason. Sure, I would have preferred to torture him for hours, but he had the advantage of strength. So, I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the gut. Knife play phone sex seems like my best friend lately.

As I twisted the knife, I felt his blood and guts pour out of him and onto my body. I let him bleed out on me. The smell and feel of blood intoxicate me. Eventually, I pushed his carcass off me and dragged his body out back for the wildlife to dispose of for me. But he made

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