Slasher sluts

They call us slasher sluts. The girls who get wet watching a gory horror movie and want to fuck to the blood and death. The whores who know from a young age that evil and mayhem are sexy as fuck! I have done a lot in my life as a sexy petite teen who feeds on violence. I know what it’s like to have morbid secrets that you can’t tell anyone else. If you need a little girls brains to fuck while your burying your cock in a sadistic teen pleasure, your in the right place. If you need a sick and twisted freak like you… You get my point. 

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I did learn an important lesson. That even if a man makes you cry by relieving your past abuse and why you are as fucked up as you are he will still cum hard. And if he tells you that he likes the fact that you had to have an abortion in Mexico because it was under the table because of your age, it means he liked what happened to you. I never will understand why I get turned on, relieving my past abuse and using it to destroy other girls. All I know is I’m a slasher slut, the more violent you get the creamer my cum is on my dildo at the end of our call. 


    • pinkjesus on September 23, 2021 at 6:02 pm
    • Reply

    jesus motherfucking christ, harper, i worship your worthless violent cunt.i get off hard to sexual abuse murder and death.i wanna perform abortions on your tiny teen pregnant cunt!???????????? amen. praise jesus!

    • Charles on September 29, 2021 at 9:39 pm
    • Reply

    Cum play the most dangerous game baby

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