I had this crazy squirting all night snuff dream. And I had to come on here and blog about it right away to all of you. I was on a date with a sadistic guy who wanted to beat the shit out of me. Which we all know I love. But where it got real kinky and messy is where he wanted to cut off bits and pieces of my flesh and eat. And have me eat my own flesh too. How freaking crazy fucking hot is that? In my dream, I could taste my own flesh and the pain of where it had been cut off. I could feel my cunt squirting and squirting as he kept feeding me my own flesh. Then in my dream, he says now I am going to stick my dick down your throat and cum as I slice your throat open until you bleed out. As I was slowly drifting off to death that is when I woke up. My sheets were soaked like I pissed the bed. But it was nothing but my own cum.