Sadistic phone sex finding the weakness and exploiting it. It must be remembered that everyone has something they fear. Being sadistic is finding it, exploiting it, hearing the blood curdling screams of torture.
Next, we tie in the torture games with the sadistic mind set of a snuff whore like me. What do you get? A sadistic torture loving freak that has no boundaries, if they are made, I walk over them.
Cocks and balls are meant to be to be infected and tied up. Clitoris gets the scalpel just like the penis. Circumcisions are meant to be torturous not some bar mitzvah. At the same time, I could see throwing a party to cut off the head of a penis.
Now that is wicked. Seriously, you get money to be mutilated. Mutilation phone sex parties I do so like it. Get your cock cut off and be mutilated and pay me to do it. Make it a party.
To be sure the Jews got it right there. Quickly now, let’s all line up to have our dicks cut off and give money to one person and collect with the other hand at the same time. Who wouldn’t like that.
Talk about being sadistic and finding a weakness to exploit. A whole religion does that.