My hands and feet were tied up, each to a post so that I lay spread eagle on the cold slab. I have no idea how I got here. One moment, I was in a bar talking to a nice man. The next, I am here tied up in a church. A bunch of men in robes then appeared out of the shadows. One of them held a bucket and a paintbrush. He dipped the paintbrush in the bucket and painted a pentagram on my body. Then, they got in a circle surrounding me and touched me all over my body. They rubbed my tits, stroked my pussy and fingered my ass. Even though I was tied up in front of strangers, they were turning me on. My pussy became so wet and they were going to make me cum. When the robed kidnappers saw that my pussy was dripping. They used my pussy juice to draw symbols on my body. After that, they stood in a circle and chanted “God is dead. Fuck God.” over and over again. I was confused as to why they were chanting and, more importantly, why I was here.
It wasn’t until one robed individual said “Take this sacrifice, O Evil One” as he held a knife over my chest that I knew I was the sacrifice. Help!