Orgy punching bag

torture sex

For every guy in the orgy I don’t make cum in record time I get a beating. It is torture sex at its finest. It gives me an adrenaline rush. I can’t deny that I have a sick obsession and need to be used and hurt. I have become accustomed to be in extreme pain. I use to cry and beg my master to let me go and to take it eas on me and my body. Now I surely as hell egg him on to take it up a notch. I have been fucked by all his friends and even randoms. I love whoring myself out for him. Seeing me take jizz is something that get his cock ready to pop each time. He likes seeing me be a punching bag. Luckily I have never had an issue making someone cum. Even though I am on a roll they still pull my hair and whip me just because they can!

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