My Kidnapping Phone Sex Nightmare

kidnapping phone sexMy kidnapping phone sex nightmare began when my car broke down on an old side road, I took to bypass road work. I traveled to get some coke, and I knew if I told my husband I was stuck in traffic he would know where I was and guess why I was on that side of town. Small city and I traveled to the big city nearby for coke. So, I thought the old road would be quicker and I would return home before it got too late, and everyone wondered where I was.

But that plan went awry when I got a flat tire. And I do not know how to put a spare tire on. So, I started walking. And as I walked it got darker and darker and more desolate too. I did not know when I might find a gas station so when a car finally passed me, I flagged it down. Nice older man said he would give me a lift to the nearest gas station. By this time my cell had died because it kept searching for a signal.

The man did not take me to a gas station. And suddenly I feared this would turn into a snuff porn. He told me the gas stations would be closed but I could charge my phone at his place to call my husband or AAA. By this time, I felt nervous. But I had nowhere to go and no clue where I was either. So, I prayed he was just a nice old man. However, I should have known better. I never meet nice old men.

I Never Meet Nice Men Who Just Want to Help Me

When I entered his house surrounded by a corn field in the middle of nowhere, I saw a bunch of younger guys. Likely ranging from 25-45. Naked and snorting lines. The old man pushed me into the middle of them and they pounced on me quickly. Ripped my clothes off, tied me up and started fucking me. The old man filmed it all. He told me I would make an excellent gangbang rape porn star. Little did he know I have made a few already. But this was different. I never saw this coming. And I was not willing.

For hours these men force fucked my holes on a cold stone floor. Some of them pissed on me. Others chose to shock me with cattle prods. And yet others decided to kick, hit, slap, bite and choke me. I never went home that night. I did not leave that hellhole until three days later. My clothes tattered and my body bruised and bleeding.

By the time I made it to a gas station to call for help, my family had already reported me missing. The police had found my car abandoned and were searching for me. So, I had to concoct a story of being drugged and not remembering much otherwise I would have to explain why I was out in the middle of nowhere in the first place.

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