Mutilation phone sex slut Stephanie

mutilation phone sex

Tonight Daddy had a dark and sinister plan for me. I had no idea what I was walking into when I got home. Everyone else was gone for the day, so it was the perfect opportunity for him to live out his evil fantasy. He wanted to turn his little whore daughter into a bloody, cummy pile of waste to be thrown out like the trash she is. Daddy found out about my mutilation phone sex blog. He was not happy to see his little slut’s picture on the website while he was browsing for a hooker to snuff. That’s what sparked his crazy obsession with force fucking my holes and torturing my pathetic cum slut body. He wanted to punish me for being a cum slurping whore. As soon as I opened the door, he grabbed me and dragged me around by my hair, while punching me in the face and kicking me over and over again. He tied my hands above my head and bound my ankles together with a cord he ripped from the lamp. Daddy took out his big hunting knife and licked the blade before he slid the tip softly down my bloody naked body. Once it reached my belly button, he forced that cold, sharp blade in and lifted, slicing me upwards into my chest. Daddy looked down and could see his cock slide in and out of his fuck slut gapping stomach hole. This got him so turned oh that he shot cum all inside of me. I was a bloody, cummy disgusting mess when Daddy dumped me on the floor like the trash I am and left me there to die.

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