It will be a snuff sex year. It is my resolution to be a partner in crime more often than in past years. I have moved myself up the food chain. I am more the accomplice than the victim lately. Some guys still like to abuse a bimbo, but I am in my 30s now, so my holes are not as tight as some little slut. I am a willing victim too and that is a turn off for a lot of men. Here I am though, putting myself out there to help you with your dark fantasies. I helped a guy earlier this week kidnap his niece from school. He has been lusting after her for years. She is a young schoolgirl and a cock tease. She sits on his lap and grinds her little juice box into his thighs. That is a cock tease to me. He could not pick her up at school because there would be a paper trail. So, I had to snatch her on her way home from school. I told her that I was going to be her aunt soon. She bought the lie and came with me. I met her uncle on the outskirts of town in this no tell motel. It is a drug flop house essentially. No one there would be a reliable witness. I tied her to the bed with my pantyhose and one of her uncle’s belts. It was so hot looking at her little scared body like that. I guess now I know why daddy did what he did to me. My friend wanted to explore his rape phone sex fantasies for his niece. He did too with my help. He had no intention of killing her until I pointed out she could ID him and me. That is where I come in as a good accomplice. I killed her and dumped her body in another county. Yes, 2022 is off to a good year.