Mmmm torture sex is so satisfying

torture sexMmmmmmm torture sex is so incredibly satisfying for me… there’s something about all the screaming and bleeding and pain that really excites me. I want to see the pain in their eyes and watch their life just slowly slip away… it truly makes me feel like god. In a way I AM god, their god, the one that chooses if they live or die and believe me most times I choose death for them! Why should I allow them to live? The adults beg and whine and say that their loved ones or their brats would be devastated to lose them or if they are little ones they beg for their mommy or daddy to save them… blah blah blah none of that shit makes the slightest bit of a difference to me! I don’t care if you are well loved and a neighborhood hero, I don’t care if you are a lonely little hermit that has no family, I don’t care if you are a little brat just starting your life, I don’t give a single fuck about any of that! The only thing in life taht I am at all concerned with is MY pleasure, MY needs why should I gove a fuck about anyone else’s needs or wants?? I am a hardcore deviant bitch and all I want to do is kill, kill, kill and then kill some more! I want to make every single person on this planet feel pain, I want them to bleed for me and suffer for me and eventually I want them all to die for me too. I may be a fucked up twisted fucking cunt but at least I’m honest about it, I love the sick way that my mind works and you know what? I would never change a single thing about myself!

torture phone sex


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    • Mike on April 18, 2016 at 11:27 am
    • Reply

    You are one hot crazy bitch. I want to torture girls with you.

    • Bob on April 18, 2016 at 11:37 am
    • Reply

    Use me, kill me even anything to be yours!

    • Craig on April 18, 2016 at 1:17 pm
    • Reply

    my little neighbor needs to be tortured…think u could help?

    • Terry on April 22, 2016 at 2:49 pm
    • Reply

    Shadow your blog has my cock throbbing!!

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