He wanted to make a teen rape porn. He had the video equipment and the cock. He just needed the teen whore. That is where I came in. I am tight with some sex traffickers. We help each other out. When I need money. I can profit twice off a a little teen slut. I can charge you to fuck her. And I can sell her to traffickers afterwards. Sure, they like pristine little sluts. They will always garner the most money but used up teen whores are in demand too. My client did not care the make or the model of the teen as long as she was jailbait, so I got him a used up one to give me a higher profit margin. I had to buy one from the trafficker, but I got her for a steal. She was young but she was used up. Been trafficked before. A little Spic girl likely kidnapped by coyotes when she tried to come into the US illegally. What an amazing little twat though. It looked like she had pushed out a brat, but I knew she was too young for that. My client was happy. She was younger than he had hoped for. I aim to please. A happy client means referrals and repeat customers. I showed up with the package and he had everything set up. I gave her a little smack to settle her down and make her fight less. This girl had very little fight left in her. She had a dead gaze like she had given up on life. Perhaps she had. I thought I should put her out of her misery. I could make a snuff porn after he made his little jailbait porn. He fucked her into oblivion, tearing her cunt and shredding her asshole. I filmed it for his spank bank. I profited again with her. After he used her up, I had another guy snuff her. One girl, two movies and lots of profit for me.
Making a Teen Rape Porn
- By Venus in Accomplice phone sex, Ass rape porn, Domination phone sex, Fantasy phone sex, Rape phone sex fantasies, Roleplay phone sex, Snuff porn, Taboo phone sex, Teen rape porn, Violent phone sex
October 24, 2021
Phone Sex Rates
Billed discreetly as WBMTT Enterprises.
$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
--We Take It All--

All Credit Cards Accepted
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$2.00 per minute all calls in the Continental United States. $2.50 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
$4.00 per minute for 2 girl calls in the Continental United States. $5.00 per minute all calls from Canada & International Calls.
We also offer cyber text sessions and those are at the same rate as calls
10 minute minimum on all calls, no exceptions.
--We Take It All--

All Credit Cards Accepted
[ Find Out More Here ]
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