Knife Play Phone Sex Might Be My Favorite Way to Kill

knife play phone sexKnife play phone sex might be my favorite as a sick bitch. I know knives make many men squeamish, especially in the hands of a wicked butcher like me. Perhaps they fear what I will do to their junk, or they think I might kill them. Both assumptions would be true. I do not need men like most woman. So, men should be leery of me.

However, I can make an excellent partner in crime if you do not get lovey dovey with me. I hate that shit. So, keep your hands to yourself and we might just get along smoothly.  Jason and I had a splendid time Friday night. We met in a chat room for snuff porn fans. Started a conversation that cumulated in us planning to kill a whore. And he knew the whore he wanted to turn into a snuff star.

We fantasized about killing her before we killed her. But we added in a lot of torture and mutilation first. The woman we killed he used to work with. An alpha female who climbed the ladder quickly because she threw men under the bus to get to the top. Now, I do not fault women for doing that. But this guy paid me to help him kill her. So, I took his money and killed and tortured a successful woman.

I Love Being Your Accomplice, But You Need to Follow My Lead

I might prefer to use my knife on men, but I will kill a bitch who looks at me wrong in a heartbeat too. We had to break into her house, and it appeared to have better security than Ft. Knox. But I got through her system. Jason had revenge on his mind and ran upstairs in a frenzied state. He needed me to reel him in. I am not an impulse killer. For one, it’s how folks get caught. And two, a frenzied quick kill leaves no time for torture sex.

He listened to me thankfully. Because I would have killed him too, he if didn’t. And we killed her, eventually. But first we sliced off her nipples and made her eat them. We sliced her clit off too. The sexual mutilation lasted for hours. And so did the torture. Eventually, she died, and I helped dispose of her body. That’s key. Destroy the evidence of a crime. No body, no DNA. And no body, no crime.

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