Knife play phone sex fantasies get my pussy so wet. I run this little school for girls. It is a training school. I assist dark little bitches in growing up to be sadistic women like me. You just don’t become a murderous, castrating whore over night. Behind every evil woman is a female mentor. Yesterday’s lesson was in dismemberment. I had this annoying fuck who cut me off in traffic as our learning victim. I wanted my girls to understand the thrill of inflicting pain, while seeing how pain affects one’s body. I have a makeshift medical examiner’s room in my basement. Only the folks on the slab are not quite yet dead. This jack off was strapped down spread eagle on his back. I had him hooked up to a blood pressure machine and a pulse reader. We had not even begun the torture sex and his BP and pulse were high. I had an array of knives for the lesson. My pupils were so excited. One little girl asked to go first so I rewarded her enthusiasm with a big knife. She made some cuts on his thighs to see how his vitals skyrocketed. More girls grabbed knives and started cutting and stabbing. They giggled as he screamed in pain and pleaded for his life. That just turned us all on. He was close to having a heart attack by his vitals. It is amazing what pain does to the body. When I cut his dick clean off and blood spurted everywhere he actually passed out. No worries. We had smelling salts to revive him. I shoved his dick in his mouth so he would stay awake while my little evil angels took off his limbs. Had to use a chainsaw for his legs as he was quite stocky. Despite all that pain and blood loss, he did not die immediately. Of course when we chopped his head off that did him in. His head rolled around the floor with his eyes wide open as if he was watching his body die. It was a fun lesson, well for us girls at least.