Killer Phone Sex Victim

killer phone sex

The other night, I had a dream that would make a killer phone sex fantasy. Literally. I was dating this guy and he told me that he’d been having some pretty dark fantasies. I asked what he meant, and he leaned over and kissed me and told me that he’d been thinking about kidnapping a girl with me. When I wanted to know what we were going to do with her once we got her into our possession, he told me that we were going to force fuck her together and then snuff her out. I was very excited by this and fucked him right there.

While he fucked me, he told me that he wanted me to wear a strap-on and he’d push her down onto me and then he was going to ravage her ass from behind. He said that he hoped I wasn’t grossed out by blood, and when I asked why, he pulled out a big, shiny knife and told me that when he busted his nut in her ass, he was going to slice her throat and that the blood was going to get all over me. He did just that, and he just pushed her off me and started kissing me. It was delicious and I woke up and masturbated. Wanna join me for some more?

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