Killer phone sex luck be a lady tonight.

         Killer phone sex   Killer phone sex luck be a lady tonight. It’s a beautiful night. Ready for some fun. Going to find the perfect woman. She is going to know the pain. Just what evil fantasy do you have? After all I am the Snuff Queen and fucking someone while plotting their demise is indeed a fantasy of mine.

            In fact, I on a regular basis sit and fantasize about what I would do with someone. Would be the blade? Killer instinct is ingrained in me. The pain. The torture. The pleasure. As long as someone is screaming in agony, I am getting fucking wet. At the same time, it is driving me to even higher heights of dastardly deeds. Come along for the ride. Be the accomplice.

            Know that while it is Evil Fantasy phone sex at its finest, I don’t need a helper. Not in the least. Luck is the lady of the night. For to survive you must be lucky indeed. There is a killer out there that does like sex and coming up with evil ways to filet a body. See how they work. Now I have always been told animals don’t feel pain. Well, a human is an animal so join me in the realms of the impossible and we shall see if an animal can feel pain or not.

            The binds are going to cut. The knife will be sharp. That is to say to begin with it will have an edge. Time will go by, and it will become dull. Tell me you fantasize about the pain. It gets you off as much as it does I. Then we will cum together or I will while you are the one I have snuff sex with.

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