Kidnapping Phone Sex with Marley

When you’re on the road hitching, making money in any way you can is a must. Sometimes, you’ll do some really dumb things without thinking, just because someone offered you money. When he pulled up alongside me and told me that he was a photographer who was looking for a few models for his portfolio, and that cash money was involved, I couldn’t pass it up. Taking pictures for cash? I could do this!Kidnapping phone sex

He drove me to this trashy little neighborhood, like many I’d passed through on the roads, and parked alongside this narrow, dingy house. He invited me in, and I followed. He asked if I had any kind of night-clothes that I sleep in, as that would help him most. I changed into my little sleeper set. Once he saw me, he was ecstatic, and brought me directly back to a bedroom. I started getting antsy, wanted to bolt, but the money was on offer, and I needed it. He asked me to climb onto the bed and start some poses, and picked up the camera that he’d put around his neck. The camera looked legit enough, I climbed up and started posing with some of the pillows I assumed were there for just this purpose. He asked me to start taking my clothes off, said it would really help his portfolio.Teen phone sex I hesitated, and he came over and smacked me, hard. Then, he took something out of his pocket and jabbed me. Within minutes, I couldn’t see straight to save my life. I couldn’t focus, and his commands started coming. I had to struggle to focus on what he was saying, and following the commands were something I had to do. After a few more shots, I felt his hands on me, rubbing over my bare nipples, into my panties, even as he ripped them. He moved me onto my knees, and pushed up into me from behind, but I don’t remember much after that…

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