Why don’t you come join me on the dark side, it’s ever so much fun here. I do whatever I want, there are no rules for me because I am ruler here. Now the lowly little sheeple I rule over may not realize yet that I own them but they will soon believe me. Just like the churchgoers I interrupted last night, they were busy singing songs to their weak, pitiful god when I walked in and made them shut the fuck up. They were shocked into silence when I walked in and shot their priest in the face, a few tried to grab at me but I just simply shot them and that discouraged the others from even trying. I made them preform the most depraved acts on each other before I locked them in just so that they would all know the worst sides of each other before their deaths. They were sealed in completely before I left, I made sure that no one would be able to escape then I set the building on fire and sat back to watch it burn. I guess I must be going to hell for sure now…