Its payback time

blasphemy sex

I have a great internship with a rule that if we ever feel threatened we can get support if we seek it. Well, the janitor at the place I was interning would give me the heebie jeebies. All he would do was wait for me to get off work and try to get alone with me. I felt so threatened that I reached out to the higher ups.  Little did I know how fast they would act, and fired the man. A part of me felt terrible, but another part felt relieved. 

Several weeks went on and everything was going dandy. It was a late night at the office finishing a project and school work I was tied up. As I made my way to the car garage I felt someone attack. I woke up in an unfamiliar place. There he was Mr. Luther ready to give some payback for making him lose his job.

There was satanic symbolism all over the place and he began to tell me how much he worshipped satan and how he’s going to make me pay for what I did to him.

fear struck my body but I was about to give into blasphemy sex or wind up dead.

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