Would you believe it? I was online searching for a vehicle and I found the perfect one… a hearse of course. It took me no time to get there to take a look at it – I was very interested. But much to my surprise I was greeted by the guy of my dreams. That’s right I found a sick fuck just like me, just as creepy and demented as I am! He was even the one selling the hearse, and it took me no time to make him my accomplice and score a discount on it. I told him we would get some good use out of it as a team…there are so many things we can do with it. We drove around town late that night, searching for a drunk teeny bopper that would be dumb enough to get into our car. It’s easier than some may think… And it didn’t take long to lure one of these stupid bitches right in. We took her dumbass into the middle of nowhere to have our fun with her… and oh what an omen it was to have that hearse right there because she wasn’t going to get out of this one alive. She realized what was going on when it was too late and we already had her all tied up so she won’t be going anywhere. In her drunken state she began to freak out because she knew what was about to happen… she was as terrified as we wanted her to be. I will make her hold still as I dig my knife deep into her throat and watch as you force your cock into her holes… oh but soon she will suffer the pain of this knife and I can’t wait to see her covered in her sticky sweet blood. And look we are going to get to put that hearse to use after all…