I hate a rude ass mansplaining man, seriously, who the fuck did he think he was? How dare he try to tell me how to kill a whore like he was some kind of expert! He had never actually killed anyone ever! Just because he was a man, he suddenly knew more than me? Pssshht fuck that, I decided he needed a little lesson on how it is really done! I took him back to my place, he was sure that he had me enthralled by all his knowledge, he thought he would be getting some of this pussy… but he was very wrong. I drugged his drink and when he woke up, he was naked and securely tied down. He started crying right away, begging for me to release him, he knew what was coming and he didn’t like it one little bit. Too bad for him tho, I cut him into little pieces nice and slow, I made the torture last for hours before I finally killed him. In the end he realized that I knew more about killing than he ever would!