Gothic phone sex is my jam. I am a dark bitch. I got my love for all things Gothic from my grandpa. He was a fan of old Gothic horror films and novels. But he went back further too. He liked medieval torture. He would always tell me that they just do not kill people the way they use too. He meant legally sanctioned death penalty killings. He would tell me that the modern death sentence was boring. He never believed death should be humane and painless. I must agree with him. I mean if you commit a heinous crime, shouldn’t your death be equally as heinous? I live for torture sex. Think about it. The rack, the stocks, hanging, drawn and quartering, pendulums, iron sarcophaguses, and the pear of anguish were brutal ways to die. They included pain and suffering, and often bloodletting. Those were deaths that would deter crime. My grandpa had to kill his inmates by the electric chair and later by lethal injection. He preferred the smell of charred skin and soiled pants, LOL. I got my love for human pain from him. I grew up watching him carry out death sentences as the warden of a prison. He always told me the punishment should fit the crime. That is my motto today. If a guy tries to force fuck me, I chop up his cock and balls. Castration phone sex fits the crime of thinking I want your little willy. The eye for an eye philosophy was law of the land for centuries. If you made punishments painful and heinous, we might be able to deter crime. I know every man who’s nuts I have chopped off, has never committed a sex crime again. Okay, so technically without your balls you cannot fuck but having your nuts chopped off helps keep your dick in your pants, right? I am a crime and punishment kind of girl. I can help your find a fitting punishment for those cock teases you know, for example. Perhaps, exploring your violent rape fantasies would help.
I have a nasty little cock tease who needs some serious punishment.