GangBang Rape Porn and Forced Intoxication

gangbang rape pornI don’t envy gangbang rape porn stars. I don’t know how they take that many cocks up their ass at once. My stepson and his friends came by the other day. I was not happy to see him. I am never happy to see him because he hates me. He may start off friendly, but it never ends well for me. He had his friends with him, which scared me. Why would he bring so many guys to his dad’s house, especially when his dad was not home? He said he just wanted to get some booze for a party. We have a wine cellar, but it has a lot more than just wine in it. Pretty much any kind of booze you want can be found there. When I came back upstairs with a few bottles for him, he grabbed the bottles from my hands and his friends pulled me away. One tied me up while another stripped me naked. Soon, I was bound naked to the chair with a circle of men pouring booze down my throat. They wanted me drunk. If I spit out the booze, they punched me in the face or slapped me. My stepson decided to pinch my nose, so I would be forced to consume alcohol. I was getting drunk super quickly. I started puking. I was puking on myself. I was tied up and couldn’t get lose. I vaguely remember them laughing at me and humiliating me for being a bad drunk. I won’t forget what happened next, no matter how drunk I was. They untied me, poured a bucket of water over me to clean me up before they started gangbanging my ass. For a couple hours, I was their ass rape porn star.  I smelled like puke and I was incoherent from the forced intoxication, but my ass was prolapsed and full of cum the next day as proof it wasn’t all just a bad drunk dream.


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